Chapter 21

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"What happened why did you text me to come?" - New

" Náwng-koĕi's phx was here and gave Off this tuxedo to wear for the wedding and we don't know how he will be reacting to it" - Tay


"Shhhh..Snow White someone will hear you"

"Where the hell is he? If Singto or worse Gun find out about him it's going to be horrible!"

"He has already left and promised that he won't show during the wedding ceremony"

"I can't believe that bastard actually had the audacity of showing his rotten face after what he did to aunt Juhi and Gun"

"I know what he did was horrible, but we need to calm down. He said that this tuxedo meant a lot to Náwng-koĕi because it's from Naâ Juhi"

New finally took a deep breathe and looked up

"There used to be a tuxedo that Gun and Aunt Juhi used to immensely love. It was a gift from his grandfather to that dog after the marriage."

"Do you think Off should wear it?"

"Gun would love to see the tuxedo because it's a part of aunt Juhi and his grandfather.....but how will we say we got the exact same tuxedo? He'll end up finding out that his dad was here"

"...maybe..maybe if we change it up a little bit"

"No, I don't think we can make alterations now it's too late. Let's say that we found it at a thrift shop. He'll might get a little broken finding it to be in a shop but also happy to have it now."

"Yeah I guess you are...hey! why are you crying Snow?" I said immediately hugging him tightly

"Off will take great care of our Gun right?"

"Of course he will, we will all make sure he'll takes good care of Náwng-koĕi."


Don't be nervous, don't be nervous, please please don't be nervous! i kept on telling myself. My legs felt like jelly and my heart felt like it was going to jump out any moment now.

"Gun we are entering now, take a deep breath and everything else will be fine" - New

"Yes Gun we are all here if you end up needing a divorce from that man chid" - Singto


"I am joking, I am joking I like the boy"

"Guys let's enter already!" Tal rolled her eyes

"Why you can't wait to see Earth, hmm?"

"New! Stop it" Tal said blushing

Thankfully the little bit of joking around made my heart a bit lighter. Okay, let's do this Gun. I entered through the door eyes low to the floor. I finally got the courage to look up at Off when I almost reached to where he was standing.

..... is he wearing

No no no please don't cry please don't cry I could feel the tears almost forming in my eyes but then Off raced out the small steps and gave me a tight hug. "It's alright, I am here, let's go"

I felt myself being pulled by Off to stand besides him in the venue. He looked at me almost scared. "I am sorry if I made you upset"
While wiping away my tears I tried to give the happiest smile I could to show him I meant it.

"I love you Off" and without thinking I grabbed the back of his head and kissed him with great passion. I could feel tears in my face while our face was together and I could swear that those tears did not belong to me. "AHM" everyone said at the same time smiling shyly. "My bad"


"I, Gun, take thee, Off, to also be my wedded Husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, cherish, but not obey that's going to be your part, so till death us to part." Everyone clapped their hands Off and Gun began kissing again.

I looked over to see Singto's happy expression and like I expected he was glowing from pride. One day I will make him have the same glow during our wedding. I was just about to turn around when Singto made a hesitant face and slowly looked towards my direction. Seeing me he quickly looked away. Am I being too cocky today or did Singto try to look at my direction?

I couldn't help but keep on starting at him, after a few second he looked up again. I nudged my head up asking him what's up. He, gulped? He looked pretty nervous judging from his wide eyes and lips almost into a tight line. He then nudged his head towards the exit door. What's going on?

I headed towards the door and Singto just went back to look at Gun and Off. I waited probably a good three minutes before Singto also came outside. "What happened, Wifey?" Singto's eyes shot up at me. "Did you just call me Wifey?"

"Umm yeah"

"I am no ones wifey"

"Come on, I am obviously the husband in the relationship"

"What do you mean! Do I look like I have a girl's private part? What are you trying to say?"

"Fine! Husband"


"Okay okay what happened why did you call me?"

"Um I needed to talk to you"


"P'Earth is your ex?"



"I never had time for a relationship"

"But can you choose to be with her"

"No, she already has someone"

"Do you like her?"

"Of course I like her"

"Oh.. that was it then" Singto began to head back inside again "But I love you, Singto"

"What?" Singto had stopped in his track

"I said that I love you what are you going to do about it"

"What, what if you find someone else attractive after being with me?"

"Then, then I will donate my eyes so I can't see anyone else and you can take care of me for the rest of our lives" I could start to see a smile line forming around his mouth. "Fine" huh!

"Please pick me up this Friday at 11pm, and yes I am not in the habit of fancy restaurants so please choose a place that I can actually afford." And with that said my husband again left me dazzled like last time.

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