Chapter 12

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"New, Gun are you guys okay? You've both been looking so bothered lately?" Singto said looking up from his textbook

"It's that annoying Off! Didn't you say Ai'Earth heard he was going to court me only till this week? It's been two weeks already and he still won't stop bothering me!" Although I said all of that to Singto like it was bothering me...I kind of maybe liked how Off gave me the attention.

Singto was now the one to look annoyed

"I'll talk to him then"

"No!" I said as if it was some type of reflex and now I regret my decision for sounding like that

"I mean, when he was trying to talk to me on Friday after class, P'Krist came up to us and dragged him out after telling me he was going to stop bothering me from now on"

" I think we might be thinking about it too hard Singto, I mean if they still wanted revenge from us then why would Tay let New keep his job? And why would P'Krist stop Off from bothering me? And it's not like he has even made a move on you. (Then I thought about it) Has he?"

Singto's graze went up towards my direction and I almost felt a chill.

"Maybe" New and I were both startled by Singto's answer

"Maybe they aren't in for revenge. But there still is a  chance that they are and I am not willing to take that chance"

"I agree with Singto, a person can't change so quick like that. I know Off might not even be a part of this, so don't feel bad for liking him.

"...." I can feel my face becoming hot and to add salt to injury I can now also feel a drop of tear from my eyes.

"You really thought I wouldn't notice?"

"But how did you" New quickly cut me off before I could even finish asking

"Well, let's see hmmm (obviously sarcastic) will you do complain about him pretty much every day before you go to bed now almost like it's your routine, but the moment you hear someone else talk about him then your eyes will lower and your face will get pinker, oh and the fact that I didn't notice anything about it till I read your diary." New then burst laughing

"YOU READ MY DIARY!!!! WHAT THE HELL NEW!!! SINGTO!!" I was hoping that Singto would help me but instead he was very quiet. "Singto?"

"I have something to take care of" and with that Singto left texting someone on the phone

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