The Secret Revealed

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Do you guys like my hand drawn picture, or do like the digital pics better, let me know.__________Olivia wanted to leave immediately, but Thèa had to pack. Thèa packed slowly, making sure that she had everything possible to ensure that she would be ok. She secretly packed make-up and combs, so that she might look pretty for someone. Someone that she fell in love with. Someone with  Dalamar.

________________________________________________________________________  " Olivia we can leave now, Thèa is done packing, and has her armor on." "Finally! I thought she would take til next week." "Haha very funny, where do we go after we set off?" "We go to my kingdom, Fireroot, and try to find where the seven blades of the immortals are." "Why do we need seven blades when we only have 3 poeple?" "They transform into one another when they are matched up perfectly. They change into another sword, but with combined powers of each blade." "Why would we need that?" "I have a feeling that your king of these lands may not feel good about the prophecy, he's been hunting my kind since he heard of it, and news of us will spread to him quickly." "Then, we need to get to Fireroot." "Yes we do." Thèa climbed up behind Dalamar and clung around his waist, feeling his abs, without him knowing. Once Thèa was secure and the supplies was on olivia, she took off and flew to Fireroot. She was finally going home. She was going to see her father. She was going to see the bright city of gold, magic, and power.
________________________________________________________________________ King Reagan the third had heard enough of the rumors and seen too many bodies that confirmed his suspension.  The dragon has found its rider, and was going to fulfil the great prophecy, he would not let that that happen. He would kill them both, and secure his hold over ever race in his country. "Servant! Fetch me the demon riders!" "Yes, my king!" Little rat was all that he thought about his servants, he totally despised them. The doors to the great hall opened and twenty-five fully armored and weaponed down to the bone men walked into the without asking permission. "You called us...... my king?" With a little sarcastic tone on "my king". "Yes, I want you to find the dragon fulfilling the great prophecy and it's rider and kill them both, and send their souls to hell!" "Ok, where we're they last seen?" "Abandoned forest of Millwood." "We'll be riding in five minutes." "Good." "But, we want paid doubled, for putting our own dragons at risk for perusing this dragon of legend." "Fine, whatever it takes, just make sure that they die." "We will." In five minutes, twenty-six armored dragons and riders rode up in the air. The twenty-sixth Ryder was none other than the famous assassin, Elian Boaz.


Olivia had a really bad feeling and Ur this trip, she felt as if they were being watched and hunted. She had a suspension that the king had sent assassins to kill them. She knew she heard wings flapping, only one type of wings could make that sound. Dragons. The assassins where bonded with dragons!

________________________________________________________________________ "Dalamar! Assissins bonded with dragons are right behind us!" Cred Olivia.  "I'm on it!" Dalamar quickly unslung his bow from his back and swapped places with Thèa so that he could aim better. He was also with his back to Olivias head, so he didn't have to turn around and shoot. Dalamar drew his arrow from his quiver of twenty-seven arrows, laid it on the string, and waited for the assassins to come up from over the mountains. Suddenly, fog swept threw the valley, making the vision very hard. Dalamar saw dark shapes rising and falling through the fog, creating an eiree feeling. Fire was shooting out from random places in the fog, as well as arrows and water spears. Dalamar drew his long bow, aimed at the center of a shadow and fired. The sound of a loud moan told him that he had hit his mark. He drew, aimed, and shot, over and over and over again,  most hitting its target, when he had six arrows left, Dalamar stopped shooting, because the fog was only twenty feet behind them. Dalamar slung back on his bow and sat right. Suddenly, a wall of earth, fire, air, water, and magic spread across the valley. It was completely majestic and destructive at the same time. "Olivia! We need to climb!" "On it!" Olivia shot upward, by the time they were about five feet above the wall, it was rushing past them. Olivia did a somersault in the air and dropped altitude so that they could be behind the assassins.Dalamar drew his Dragonblade and cried his battle cry, Thèa drew her short swords and gave her own battle cry. Olivia shot towards the ground,dropping off Dalamar and Thèa so that they could fight where they were comfortable. As soon as Olivia felt that her Ryder and the girl off of her, she shot upwards, in the clouds before letting gravity do it's work. As the seven dragons  dropped off their seven riders and began to follow Olivia, she was already reaching maximum speed in a nose dive. She tore through one wing, an eye, a claw, and a third of a tail of different dragons, before the dragons even realized what happened to them. Dalamar was taking on three men and winning, while Thèa took on a heavily muscled guy and was beating the carp out him him. Boaz was watching the battle, when four men plunged daggers into his chest, head, throat, and stomach. The remaining men called to their dragons and flew away. The four men's dragons flew down with Olivia. "My queen, we are part of the dragon agency in your name. We bear grave news, my queen. News that most wanted to keep a secret. Your father, our king.  Is dead."

________________________________________________________________________ hey guys, let me know if you like the full chapters or little buts of it (: thx.

Fire RydersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora