The Chase

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Dalamar and Olivia were flying for a couple of hours, not seeing any civilization, except the occasional three man huts. Suddenly Olivia called out with her mind," I see smoke about twenty hills to the south, they look like valchries, amazon lemon warriors.  Do you think that we should stop there?" "What are their fealing towards the kings men?" "Oh, they despise them, but not only them, all men in general. There are no men in their villages, only women." " I think that that is a problem Olivia, seeing that I am a guy." "They admire and seek dragons for their council, they almost worship dragons. But, they believe in a female goddess of the hunt, I think it some Greek goddess." "So if I'm with you and you announce that I'm your ryder, then they will except me?" "They should, otherwise they will meet a very mad dragon." So Olivia flew them to the valchries. Four horns went off before they were even fifteen hills away from the village. Senturies manned giant crossbows angled towards the sky, never letting their eyes off of them. They never shot though. The village was swarming with lady warriors taking up arms. Everyone was gathering on the walls to get to their battlements. Olivia roared," Valchries, it is I, Olivia princess of Fireroot. You know me as the Red shooting star. Do I have permission to land?" "You always welcome, my lady. The man on your back is not, though." Dalamar opened his mind and said,"Told you." Olivia ignored him and yelled," He is my ryder, he and I are bonfed. He will not try to seduce any of you, because he knows the cost is his balls." "Really!" Dalamar screamed at Olivia. She replied," You won't now, anyway." And she chuckled. " We accept your promise and are allowed to land." With that said they did what they were told. A woman dressed in drown and black armor stepped forward as soon as they landed, Olivia told Dalamar that she was the leader of this village. "I am Thèa Demøn fourth daughter of Alazar Demøn, leader of the seventh valchries of Lightrock. I am pleases with your presence, Red shooting star, we haven't seen you in twenty or so years." "I know, and I'm sorry for that, but I had to find my Ryder, so that I could fulfill the great prophecy." " we are happy happy to have you." " trust me, the pleasure's all mine pleasure is  all mine." "Please make yourself at home, and enjoy our food and drink your majesty." "Thank you Thèa." Dalamar and Olivia feasted that night with parties surrounding the village. The fires are of warm colors. When Dalamar asked them about how they changed the colors of the flame they just laughed and walked away. Olivia finally told him that it was magic.
________________________________________________________________________ It was a couple of hours til dawn when  suddenly, lights came charging the village, the screams of women filled the air, the battle cry of trained warriors, and over all the sound of fire bombs woke up Dalamar from his slumber. "Olivia, the kings knights are here!" "I know that already, I've already killed fifty of them while you were sleep." "Then I must catch up!" "You may try sweetly!" "And I shall will!"   "Uhum." Was all that he got, and he.took that as permission to join the battle. He grabbed his dragonblade and his shield and took off with a grin on his face to finally unleash something so powerful that it would be a new creation. He stopped and his inside a hut about twenty feet from the battle line and focused his fire energy to create a bird out of the fire, a bird that had a wingspan of twelve feet, from head to tail it was thirty-six feet, and it was made completely out of flame. He had created this bird only once before.  He needed this bird, he needed, the Phoenix. He kept his power concentration on the bird but didn't release it, keeping it in side of him he stalked toward the enemies front line, they saw him and started charging to him. He lit his blade on fire swung it left, right, then struck it into the ground. In an instant he released he power holding the Phoenix and it swept from his chest, screaming so loud and so majestic that everyone stopped and looked at it. Even Olivia stopped her fire breath to look at it. The phoenix felt it's master's anger towards the men, and swept toward and siezed four men in each claw, its talons cutting the armor like it was made of butter. It climbed up so high that it looked like it was on top of the moon, and lit the men on fire and thew them like bombs on the men, creating explosions like no other. Then, it was shooting down toward the men, it was going so fast that the wind around it was whistling so loudly that it sounded like a group of 159 chilren all screaming. It shot towards the ground, and at the last second spread its wings and lift it self blue, the hottest it could get. It hits hundreds of men, they heat so intense, most dead at first contact. The rest of the kings knight fled at the sight of it terrorized at the sight of it. Dalamar had stopped the invasion with just one of these birds. Dalamar was in such a barbaric state that as the enemy was running away he charged and using his flame, boosted himself, and killed over fifty men within the first twenty yard of him. Olivia recgonised this state of man and swept across, grabbing Dalamar in her claws and took to the sky. Dalamar calmed down after a couple of minutes. He called the phoenix back to him, and it came, but it was the size of an eagle now, and as hard as Dalamar tried to make it go. Back into him it would do so. "It won't go back now, you've given it thoughts and life, it'll be your pet and battle companion along with me." Olivia told him. "Sweet." They flew for a little bit, then they saw it, the kings army was composed of over 600,000 men and even more mages. " we can't bring them to that village, Liv." "I know." They landed at the village and told them that they would be leaving at noon. Thèa stepped forward and said," I would like to you, your majesty. I have never wanted to be leader, and I have taken a liking to you." "Yes, I have no problem with you joining our quest." "Thank you, my lady." With that she left to you pack.

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