Ava's dad was about to throw a punch at Emmett which worried Ava, they were about the same size with her dad being a little bigger. But Emmett caught her dads punch before it could hit him and her dad was a little shocked. Emmett began to tighten his grip on her dads hand and he let out a small cry.

Her fathers pain was visible and Ava could careless but she didn't want him calling the cops or anything on Emmett.

"Emmett." She said to him trying to tell him to stop but Emmett looked so pissed that it seemed like he couldn't hear her. "Emmett stop."

His grip tightened even more.

"Ugh.." Her dad said in pain.

"Emmett It's ok now, lets just go to school." She put her hand on his chest looking up at him. Her touch made him finally realize what was happening and he quickly let go of her dad hand who began holding it in pain.

Ava led Emmett back to the car and they were finally on their way to school. It was quiet at first but Emmett finally said something.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that. It's just when he was saying all those horrible things to you... It made me so angry." Emmett said. "It probably made things worse."

"It's ok." Ava said. Even though she knew her father would hurt her when she got home tonight.

Ava was a little suspicious on how he heard what her dad had said.

"You heard all that?" She asked.

"After sometime I came out of the car and was a few feet behind you guys. The conversation looked heated so I wanted to step in if anything happened." He said quickly coming up with an excuse that Ava reluctantly believed.

"Your really strong." She said smiling looking at him. "Like really strong it's shocking. I bet he has a few broken fingers. I bet you could wrestle a whole bear and probably win."

Emmett chuckled not only at how cute she was to him but at how true that statement was.

"Did you know that I used to play volleyball." Ava said smiling at the memory. "I was really good at it, I was even captain for junior varsity. I kind of miss it."

"Why don't you play it again?" Emmett asked. Ava was quiet for a moment but then answered.

"They drug test." She said feeling somewhat embarrassed to say in front of Emmett. "Anyways I'm going to see a therapist... I think it would be good for me."

"That's good." He said smiling at her. "If you don't like it and it doesn't make you feel comfortable you don't have to go."

"Yeah I know." She said smiling at him.

Ava wasn't going to go because of money. She tried talking to the school about it but they weren't able to help her but someone reached out to them. A school official approached her one day saying that there was a secret benefactor who would pay for it for her.

She was slightly confused at first and wasn't going to because it was suspicious. But in the end she decided to.

That secret benefactor was nun other then Emmett.

The school didn't even know it was Emmett. They just thought it was someone from a company who helps kids like Ava out.

"My first session is tomorrow." Ava said. "Right after school. But their in Port Angels so I don't know how I'm gonna get out there, I could take the bus but-"

"I'll take you." Emmett said. "And pick you up."

"No Emmett you already take me back and forth to school now I don't want you to do that." Ava said.

Save Me | Emmett Cullen | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now