⁸not besties

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Potions had passed by like a blur, the only memorable thing that had occurred was Sirius Black walking in, singing at the top of his lungs about a stench he had smelt that morning; followed by an out of breath, but grinning James Potter, a flushed Peter Pettigrew, and a Remus Lupin that was trying much to hard to hold in his laughter.

Next was Herbology with the Ravenclaw's, one of the dumbest classes ever invented, in Ayla's opinion. Tegan had almost been strangled by a Venomous Tentacula but luckily Emmett had quick reaction time and stunned the plant as Tegan screeched a string of swear words. It was all a bit too dangerous, Ayla thought.

After Herbology had ended, Ayla had rushed to Defense, it finally being a class that she enjoyed. The class was with the Slytherin's, which meant Grace would be there. Ayla hoped Grace was over their argument because she sure was tired of all the fighting.

As the blue eyed girl walked through the castle, a large ruckus was heard from down the hall of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. A boy with platinum blond hair stood, a haughty look on his face, surrounded by James, Sirius, Peter, Remus, and, to Ayla's immediate surprise, Grace. Without much further thought, Ayla rushed over to the group, grabbing for Grace's sleeve to see what was happening.

"You're telling me you think werewolves deserve just as many rights as us, humans?" The blond boy gave a humorless laugh, a sneer across his features.

Ayla furrowed her eyes, "What? Did you really just say that-"

"I did and the lot of you can't stop me from saying it again. Have you every met a werewolf before? They're vial creatures."

Ayla felt the boys stiffen next to her, noticing Remus being rather pale and trying to hold a neutral face as his Adam's apple bobbled. Huh.

"Oh you're going to ge-" Sirius began, rolling up his sleeves, black brows dented in dangerously. But within a split second, Grace's fist was connected to the boy's stomach, sending the boy to topple over himself, clutching his stomach. Then another fist came, clashing with his jaw, the boy flying backward onto the floor. The blond boy scrambled to his feet, calling them all nasty names and ran off.

Sirius's eyes were stormy as he held his hand, knuckles red from the punch to the boys face. He had looked to Grace, who was shaking her fingers, stretching them in all directions. "Nice hit," He said, a soft smirk rising.

"Thanks. I know," Grace answered back confidently, continuing to stretch out her fingers. She paused for a moment, looking up and meeting Sirius's eyes and murmured a soft "not bad yourself," before quickly looking back to her hand. Sirius gave a closed-mouthed smile.

"What just happened? What'd I miss, why'd he say that?" Ayla questioned, looking between the boys and Grace in confusion. She didn't understand why anyone would ever say that about another person. The only difference to Ayla between a werewolf and a human was one had a little more hair, that's all.

"Because hes a bloody wanker, that's why," James spat, looking probably the angriest she's ever seen him.

Peter had his hand on Remus's shoulder, it look a bit awkward saying how much shorter he was compared to the taller boy. "He was being stupid. He had no reason to bring the topic up. I guess he did it just for the heck of it," the big-toothed boy said, looking the direction that the kid had ran away.

"Ridiculous," Grace whispered.

Remus was getting paler by the minute, Ayla thought. He looked sickly, dark bags under his green eyes and his skin seemed to be suctioned to his bones.

"Are you okay, Remus?" Ayla met the boys eyes, "You look rather pale."

"I'm fine, just feeling a bit under the weather today, is all. Thank you though," He assured her. He looked to his wrist watch then to the other boys. "We best be going, we have two minutes to get to Charms and I don't think Sirius needs another detention."

Everyone groaned, remembering they had class while Sirius mumbled about how Remus needed to stop going "on and on" about his detention. Grace grabbed her bag that she had dropped to the floor, the boys doing the same, and the groups went to their designated rooms.


"I noticed that you and Sirius didn't try to murder each other," Ayla told Grace as they listened to their teacher rambled on about heaven knows what.

Grace shrugged, an annoyed look on her face, "Common enemy. Doesn't mean we're besties now."

"I know, I know, I'm just saying, It wasn't too hard, was it? He's not as horrible as he seems," Ayla insisted, still looking at the professor.

"Fine. You were right. Now can we finally have a conversation about something other than those pricks?"

"Of course. I just wanted to tell you."

"Why thank you, then. I would have never noticed without your help," Grace rolled her eyes.

"You're so very welcome."


Supper had started but Ayla wasn't all that hungry. She waved Tegan off as she walked to the library to get some homework done, almost stumbling in a trance because of her racing thoughts.

Grace and her have never fought this much before and for some reason, Ayla couldn't help but feel as if it were all her fault. It must have been, saying the root of every disagreement so far had started with her and the boys. She seemed to always be getting on Grace's nerve and she was hoping that once things cooled down between the two of them, everything would go back to normal and how it was before. But Ayla knew that deep down this school year was definitely going to be different from last years. Whether it was because of the on going ramble of a war or the mere switch of her classes, something was going to change.

Now, because of the distraction that these thoughts caused, Ayla had arrived in the library and somehow wound up sitting across from the infamously sarcastic and heavily scarred Remus Lupin. Oh, wasn't she lucky.

 Oh, wasn't she lucky

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