²⁴the marauders

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"We have to work the hardest, play the hardest, and be the hardest to be able to win the Cup this season," the Hufflepuff Quidditch captain, Masey Naish, repeated for the fifth time that evening. She was slapping the back of her hand on her palm to create more emphasis while she paced back and forth in front her six teammates. Ayla hadn't seen her this stressed since Fourth year.

Masey stopped pacing and stared at the group, looking as if she was writing a plan in her head. Her curly dark brown hair was pulled back in a tight braid and she threw it over her shoulder. "Alright. Let's start practice."

Everyone shot up in the air, going to their respective positions. Ayla tossed her Beaters back from hand to hand, the nerves shooting through her. She was in her sixth year, after all. She was expected to be one of the best on the team. Ayla wasn't sure if she was though and it made her feel like her insides got caught in her throat.

Practice was rough. The newer players on the team had trouble catching up with everyone's skill level and Ayla felt stupid because she couldn't hit the Bludger as far as the other Beater, Victor Kahale. It made sense though, that she couldn't hit it as far. She was a good deal smaller than him but it still made her feel dumb.

Masey dropped to the grass, tensely clutching on to the snitch as if she let it go, she'd completely lose her mind. Ayla wouldn't be surprised if she did. Ayla reminded herself to be nice.

Masey huffed and folded her arms as everyone else on the team joined her on the pitch. "Our first match is in three weeks against Ravenclaw. How do you feel about that?"

No one answered. They all continued to stare at her, unsure of what to say and how to react.


"Ehm..." Ayla started, biting on the inside of her cheek. "I definitely think we need some more work... We look a bit messy right now..."

"Yeah? You look a bit messy right now, Ayla. You need more work," Masey responded, her gaze hard and cold. "All of you need work."

Ayla felt her face go red and she looked down at her shoes. It was true, she did need more work but it felt horrible being singled out. Victor patted her on the back, trying to comfort his teammate.

"I was lucky enough to somehow squeeze a practice in for tomorrow so you lot all better be there or we'll look like a parade of clowns for our first match of the season. It'll be a quick practice because Gryffindor also has the field later that night so no ones late, dig?"

The whole team nodded, muttering "dig" back to their captain, and everyone dispersed, heading back to the common room. Except Ayla. She wasn't in the mood to deal with anyone at the moment and she wanted to work a bit more so she wouldn't embarrass herself the next day. Maybe Masey wouldn't be so harsh if she found out that Ayla stayed out late for extra practice time.

Ayla was out on the pitch till it was so dark that all she could see was the thousands of stars in the sky flickering. It was peaceful. Ayla had felt like this whole school year had been a lot and to finally have a moment of calm was nice. The only thing she wished was that someone was there with her; she hated how quiet it was.

After a bit of stargazing, Ayla decided it was time to pack up. She ripped off her gloves and shoved them and her bat into her Quidditch bag while she threw her broom onto her shoulder and started her way back to her common room. She made sure she was quiet so she wouldn't have a chance of getting caught by old Filch. That was rude of you to say, Ayla thought to herself.

Ayla was nearly to her common room when a sneeze was heard beside her. No one was there and Ayla felt her heart begin to race, fear erupting and her hands starting to shake. She frantically grabbed her wand and held it tightly, pointing it in every direction around her if someone decided to attack. How could someone sneak into Hogwarts? And how were they invisible? Was it a Death Eater?

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