Chapter 10

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“Okay, so I found some stickle wart and some other great herbs. I can treat your smaller wounds now so they won’t get infected.” Said Merlin as he came back through the trees and knelt down by Arthur and laid out the herbs.  Arthur tried to take off his shirt but the pain wasn’t helping. He sat back against the tree and sighed in defeat, Merlin laughed then grabbed the end of the shirt with one hand and put his other hand behind Arthur. “Lean forwards… that’s it.” Arthur felt Merlin’s cool knuckles brush against his skin as he lifted off the shirt, he had to look away to stop the blush, ‘Merlin does this everyday what the hell is wrong with me’. Merlin smoothed out the freshly crushed herb paste onto all the cuts. “So what do we do now Merlin?”

“Since when have you asked me what to do?” Merlin smirked

“Since you became the healthier and wiser person in this situation” Arthur said without making eye contact.

“So let me get this straight, you’re giving me two days off and your calling me wise, I didn’t know near death experiences had that  effect on you.” Merlin teased his smirk widening.

“Oh shut up Merlinn…” Arthur mumbled earning an even larger smirk from Merlin but then his face fell in proper concentration.

“Well you and I both know that you can’t walk very far in your state. You won’t for a good week at least. There’s somewhere we can go not far from here but you’re not going to like it.” Merlin considered

“Where?” Arthur raised his eyebrow.

“Well I know of a druid camp not far from here. I’ve been there a few times and they’ve helped out, they used to come down to the outer villages of Camelot to trade their goods so I know them and have some friends there. We can go there, it’s the safest place at the moment and they will most definitely help us out.” He mumbled shyly, he looked to Arthur, his eyes questioning.

“If they have your trust Merlin then they have mine.” Arthur finalised.

“Great. Well it’s not very far as I said so we can leave in about half an hour. Oh and Arthur?”


“Thankyou. For trusting me”

”You’re my friend, probably my best friend. Though it was quite a big shock for me to learn of your powers, I would trust you with more than my life, hell I already have.” Merlin smiled and Arthur was overcome with a great warmth, Merlin’s smiles always did that to him, make him feel that nothing could ever be too bad. “You should get some rest, you’re going to need it.”  Merlin pulled a clean shirt out of a bag for Arthur and placed it beside him for when they set off. The rest he packed away and sat down by the fire for a light nap before they set off.

A/N: Sorry it's taken a while but my school finishes in two weeks then i got six weeks of holidays so I'll most likely update very often. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and please remember all voting and commenting is much  apreciated, i would love some feedback from you lot :) Thanks heaps for reading!

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