Worried sick

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"My lady we searched far and wide, the King is nowhere to be found. The horses are tired, as are the knights , they need a few days to rest before we set out again" Said Leon with sad eyes, taking pity on the queen as he stood inside her chambers and delivered the same news as he had for the past few weeks. "No they can't stop he has to be out there somewhere. Send out more knights in the morning." Said Guinevere as she walked over and stood by the table, her hands pressed firmly onto it right next to yet another, already cold, untouched meal.

"But Your Majesty-"

"I want him found!" Cried Guinevere as she flipped the plate of food off the table and broke down in tears, crumbling to the floor, "You don't understand. I need him. I'm... agh!" A jab pain shot through her and she doubled over in immense pain, struggling to keep down what little food she had eaten. Leon was already at her side. "My Lady!? Gaurds!" He shouted and two men burst in, "Get Guias immediately!" He ordered picking up Gwen's pale and weak body and placing her on the bed.

Guias sighed putting down the empty bottle of a draught solution as Leon paced nervously by the table awaiting the news. The symptoms were all too familiar and he'd had told Gwen what it was but she refused to believe it and told him to keep it confidential however if he continued to keep it a secret the future of Camelot would be in danger and he would not do that to the kingdom. As Guias packed away his things Leon walked up to him, the worry clear on his face.

"What's wrong with her?" He asked. Guiass looked up at him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"It seems that her majesty is with child."

A/N: Hiya guys sorry it's been so long I have been quite busy, thanks for waiting :) This chapter is short but the next one won't take so long... I hope. I'd also like to say that I now have my own cover thanks to

As always thanks for reading, love you all.

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