Too Shy To Tell You

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You made your way down hall, passing between hundreds of bustling compartments, looking for Cedric. You had promised to meet on the train, that is, out of sight, naturally. You were proud to be Cedric's girlfriend. It made you happier than anything else in the world to know that you had his love. All of it. But you weren't ready to make it public. You couldn't. The likelihood of your House's accepting the change was highly unlikely but God only knows what your Father would do if he found out. You could never be too careful.

You wandered through the narrow corridors, the compartments on either side beginning to empty. You exhaled, breathing out a sigh of relief, there was no one around. The train lurched, suddenly, throwing you forward. You gasped, bracing yourself for the impact, but it never came. Instead you landed in the safety of someone's arms, as he chuckled. "When I said I hoped I'd run into you on the train, this isn't exactly what I had in mind. But I suppose this will do," Cedric laughed, pulling you upwards and kissing you lightly on the forehead.

He grabbed your hand and began pulling you towards the back of the engine in a rush. You smiled as he dragged you into the empty compartment. He gave you a mischievous grin before reaching above his head and shuffling things around in the overhead, prompting you to send him a confused glance. What is he doing? He continued to struggle for a few minutes, obviously frustrated. Sighing, he pulled himself up, so that he was standing on the seat. You shook your head, knowing that if the train hit any more rough patches, he would fall. You bit your lip, nervously, as you watched him cautiously. "Cedric... Baby... Please be careful! I don't want you to fall. The train could hit another bump in the tracks and..."

"Ah-ha! I've got it! It's right here," he exclaimed, cutting you off. You rolled your eyes as he jumped off the bench, waving a bouquet of flowers and a velvet box in the air. You let out a sigh of relief, thankful that he hadn't gotten hurt. You crossed the compartment, closing the space between the two of you as you set the palm of your hand on his chest and kissed his lips softly. He staggered backwards in surprise, wrapping his arm around you, holding the kiss. He pulled back, looking down at you, a grin plastered to his face. "Wait... Did you just call me Baby?"

You smirked, giving him a small shrug. You raised an eyebrow, surveying the packages in his hands, suspiciously. You shook your head and sighed. "I certainly hope that you didn't go off and buy me gifts, because, if I remember correctly, I specifically told you not to get me anything!" Cedric grinned, kissing you again, only your lips touching. You pushed him back, scrutinizing his every move as he smirked, his blue eyes shining. "What did you do?"

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't help myself! What can I say, baby girl? You're my weakness! But I suggest that you get used to it because I would give you the world if I could. Now, before you say anything else, I wanted to give you something special for Holiday. I wasn't there for you during Christmas and I cannot even begin to express how much that fills me with regret. I can't rewind and change the past, but trust me, if could do it, I would. So, to make up for it, in the absolute smallest way possible, I bought you a little gift. I know that you didn't want me to but honestly, it makes me feel less guilty, even if it is only by a bit. Please? For me," he pleaded, his blue eyes full of hope. You sighed, shaking your head.

"I really wish that you hadn't, Ced. You should have saved your money. I don't deserve this," you sighed, averting your eyes. You knew what he was going to say, even before you opened your mouth, but you couldn't lie to him. "I don't even deserve you..."

Cedric looked at you, frowning ever so slightly as he set the gifts down and wrapped his strong arms around you. He held you to him, burying his face against your neck. He mumbled inaudibly, making you shiver. "Mmm. Please, don't say that, (Y/N/N). If anyone deserves me, it's you and I couldn't want anybody but you! Besides, you've got it all turned around, I don't deserve to be with you after everything I've done but the fact of the matter is, I love you and for some unknown reason, you're my girl! I don't get it, why would you say that about yourself?"

"You wanted me to be honest with you and that's exactly what I'm doing. Do you remember what I told you that night in the Astronomy Tower? The night I kissed you," you asked, quietly as he winced at the thought of the memory. The night he had abandoned you...

"That you hated yourself? That you felt as if you were an awful person? (Y/N)... We talked about this. You are perfect to me! All of your little idiosyncrasies are what make you, who you are, and I love every single one of them," he replied, as you gave him a slight smile.

"I had told you at one point or another that I felt like an awful friend—which to be fair, I was. I had told you that I was wracked with guilt because of the horrid way I have treated you, whenever other people are around. It's not fair. Especially to you. Ced, I don't know how many times I have to say it before I can drill it into your head, but I treat you terribly! I hate having to keep all of these secrets to protect a reputation I couldn't give a fuck about! I wish that the world could know how I truly feel about you... But they can't. When we're in public I have to either pretend that I don't know you or I have to pretend that I hate you. And I hate that! It makes me feel horrible and I can't help but think that you deserve someone so much better! You deserve a girl that can be real with you, not just in private, but wherever you are. You don't need a girl with a plastic personality and a face façade," you sighed. He shook his head, sadly, releasing an exasperated sigh, himself. He pulled you closer, nibbling on your ear, ever so lightly, making you jump as you swatted him away. He laughed lightly, looking deep into your (E/C) eyes.

"My Sweet Girl, I love you. So much. More than I will ever be able to tell you. And... I don't know how many times I have to say it, before I can drill it into your head. I want you. Only you. Don't you get that? (Y/N), there is no better, there's only you. I get that you want to let other people know about our feelings for each other, I do too, but right now, that's just not possible. I want to keep you safe but at the same time, I don't want to lose you. We need to keep this to ourselves. For now. Maybe one day, we'll be able to let all of these damn walls down but right now, it's for the best. I hate that we have to pretend, I do, but we don't have much of a choice, not if we want to be together. Listen to me, as long as we love each other and we know it, then that's all that truly matters. Hiding our relationship doesn't make you fake, you are just doing what you know we have to do. Besides, I am doing the exact same thing. Perhaps not to the same extent as my House and my Father aren't quite as strict but it is essentially the same. Your safety is my number one priority and if this is what has to happen, then so be it. I love you. That isn't ever going to change, so try not to worry about it! It's okay. We're okay," he reassured you, as he handed you the small parcel and a bouquet of bright yellow sunflowers. You inhaled the sweet scent, carefully setting them aside and opening the box. You smiled, as you looked down at the gift. Inside was a necklace, it's pendant, two intertwined hearts, one emerald green and the other a golden yellow, much like the flowers. Slytherin and Hufflepuff. (Y/N) and Cedric. You beamed, kissing him as he pulled you towards him, holding you tightly.

"Thank you, Ced. I mean, really, this is the most beautiful gift! And you always know exactly what to say, don't you? I love you, forever and always!" He smiled, taking the necklace from your hands and draping it over your neck, locking the clasp. You looked down at the pendant, not able to keep from grinning. His blue eyes met your's as he pressed your foreheads together, lovingly.

"I love you too, sweet girl! I have loved since the day I met you! I love you now! And I will love you forever! I am so sorry that it took me this long to realize it but I am here now. Forever and always. And... Perhaps I would have professed my love sooner... But... You see... I was just... to shy to tell you!"

Too Shy To Tell You (Cedric Diggory x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now