Fancy Seeing You Here...

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The note had instructed you to report to Professor Quirrell's classroom at 8 o'clock sharp that evening. You sighed as you ran down the hallway, already running 5 minutes late. You couldn't even begin to imagine the torture you were about to endure. Detention with Snape was the practical equivalent of being condemned to Hell. You hurriedly climbed the stairs to the second floor and took a sharp left, pushing open the door to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. You looked around in shock. This was going to be the worst detention ever.

The room looked as if it had been ransacked. More than once. Chairs were flipped over, onto their sides, while books littered the floor, spines broken and missing pages. The drapes were torn and a few of the windows had cracks running through the glass panes. But, perhaps the worst of the pandemonium was the black, unidentifiable substance that had been splattered over the walls, dripping and oozing in large blobs. Standing in the middle of the chaos was your dull-faced professor and Cedric, who had immediately looked up as you entered. You groaned.

"Ms. Middlebrook, it is so nice of you to show up, even if you are ten minutes late. I suggest that you learn how to better manage your time," Snape drawled. You nodded slowly, fighting back the urge to sneer. He motioned you closer as he held up two plastic buckets, filled to the brim, making you sigh in exasperation. "As you can see... the first years were... a bit careless in their studies today.Your job is to put Professor Quirrell's classroom back into order. Without magic. And just to be sure that you follow the rules of your punishment, I will be taking both of your wands," Snape grinned, wickedly. This time, you weren't able to maintain self control, glaring at your professor as you thrust your wand toward him, in suppressed defiance. Snape rolled his eyes as he took your wands and began strutting towards the door, robes billowing. He sent you one last sinister glance, before exiting and locking the door behind him.

As soon as he had gone, you turned on your heel, focusing your attention on the tall Hufflepuff in front of you, glowering. He grinned cheekily, the fear evident in his pale eyes. "Huh, fancy seeing you here (Y/N/N)," he laughed nervously, making you scoff.

"Is it? Because, if I remember correctly, it was you who got us into this dilemma! This is on you! It is completely your fault that we're here," you snapped, angrily. Cedric moved away cautiously, slowly backing into an overturned desk. You stepped forward, your (E/C) eyes, ablaze with a fiery rage, as you forcefully thrust your index finger into his chest. "What the hell were you thinking? Did you think he wouldn't notice? If you weren't so careless we wouldn't be in this situation to begin with, no would we, Diggory," you spat, making him flinch, his anxious smile contorting itself into a deep frown, his jaw clenched.

"Alright! For Merlin's sake, (Y/N)! It was a innocent mistake! I'm sorry, okay? You don't have to be so defensive," he shot back, his voice colder than normal. You shook your head in annoyance, glaring daggers into him, only making him scowl.

"Innocent mistake? You think this is an innocent mistake? Are you fucking kidding me right now? Why don't I let you explain that to my father?! I'm sure he'll love that excuse," you growled, hands shaking. Tears began to slip down your soft cheeks before you could stop them. His expression softened as you turned away from him, brushing away the momentary weakness. "(Y/N)... Don't cry! Please don't cry! I'm sorry... You're right... I messed up. How could I have been so stupid? It breaks my heart to see my best friend cry and especially when I know that it's my fault! I am so sorry (Y/N/N)," he pleaded as he wrapped his arms around you. You shook your head, sadly, turning to face him, falling into his tight embrace.

"No... I''m sorry, Ced... I shouldn't have blamed you for this... It's not your fault... I just... I don't know... I am such an awful person... I don't know where that came from..." you whispered, sadly, as he held you to him, absentmindedly raking his fingers through your (H/C) hair. You stood in silence for what seemed like an eternity, but he didn't pull away, he continued to hold you in his arms, his chest rising and falling against your own.

"You're not an awful person, (Y/N). If anything, you are the most amazing person I've had the honour of knowing. I don't blame you for being angry. Honestly, if I were you, I would have a lot more anger than you're expressing. This doesn't define you. This isn't who you are. This is your shield breaking from all of the Hell you go through. You don't always have to be so strong, (Y/N/N). It's okay to admit that you're not okay, you've got to give yourself a moment to let your guard down, to embrace the fact that we, as human beings, are all weak in one way or another. You can't keep bottling up all of your emotions, it won't accomplish anything," he replied gently, pulling back to look into your (E/C) eyes, smiling softly. "Listen to me...

You are so unbelievably strong and so unbelievably independent and stubborn. You have the most incredible smile and you are so astonishingly beautiful. You have so many wonderful qualities and such a focused and ambitious nature, so, I don't ever want you to think that you're an awful person, because that's the furthest thing from true. You're my best friend, (Y/N/N)! I would never lie to you and right now, you've just gotta trust me, I am always here for you," Cedric exclaimed, grinning. You smiled weakly as he pulled you into another hug.

"Thank you, Ced. I mean, really, thank you. I don't think that I realised how much I needed to hear that," you whispered gratefully.

"That's what I'm here for," he replied, planting a soft kiss on your forehead, sending your stomach tumbling, your heart hammering in your chest. Mentally, you scolded yourself. It's nothing. It doesn't mean anything. It's just an act of comfort... you reasoned. He smiled, grabbing a roll of paper towels off the ground and tossing them to you. "Now we ought to get to get started before Snape comes back and somehow thinks of a punishment worse than this. You may be the Queen of Slytherin, but we're both cleaning up this mess, Middlebrook," he grinned. 

Too Shy To Tell You (Cedric Diggory x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora