We Can't Be Together!

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The memories of the previous night had left your heart beating a thousand times faster, the entire event feeling so surreal. You hadn't seen Cedric since he had dropped you off near the entrance of the dungeons, last night. Classes had been canceled due to some unknown drama involving the Potter boy. Though, you weren't complaining, you could use a break from the rigorous courses and overbearing amounts of homework. Your morning had been filled with a sense of peaceful bliss, that is, until your owl had delivered a letter. A letter that caused your entire world to come caving in, capsizing above you.

You were sitting against the wall of the Astronomy Tower, rereading the letter, over and over again, until you had it memorized. Your heart sunk and your stomach dropped, as you stared down at his angry signature, the dark ink as black as his heart. You didn't know what to do at this point, your head was spinning. You stared off into the distance, watching as a few of the first years ran around the courtyard, laughing, enjoying a game of tag. You sighed, thinking back to your first year at Hogwarts. You missed the innocence being young. You missed the endless days of carefree moments, never truly worrying about the world around you. Closing your eyes, you laid your head back against the wall, contemplating what to do next. It was all so complicated.

"I thought I might find you up here! I went looking for you a bit earlier, I hadn't seen my girl all day and I was starting to get a little worried," he laughed. You opened your eyes to see Cedric standing in front of you, holding an elegant bouquet of white roses. He smiled, handing you the flowers, as he moved to sit down next to you, wrapping a strong arm around your waist, pulling you closer. You laid your head on his shoulder and smiled weakly.

"Thank you. They're beautiful. How did you know white roses were my favourite?" You asked, as you inhaled the refreshing scent of the flowers, placing them beside you, gently. He gave you another dazzling smile as he bent to kiss your forehead.

"You may have mentioned it once or twice... Something about finding peace, escaping amidst the roses in your back garden..." he grinned, as you sighed, heavily. He looked over at you, curiously, his brows knitted together in a look of deep concern. "What's wrong, Baby?"

You wrinkled your nose, cringing slightly, making him laugh lightly. "Baby? How on Earth did you come up with that? I don't care for Baby, it makes me seem weak and helpless!"

"Well, you are anything thing but weak and helpless, (Y/N). I just thought it might be nice to give you a new nickname, seeing as (Y/N/N) caught on, just as I predicted it would and I didn't think you would very much care for me referring to you as, the Slytherin Queen, well that, and I value my life. Anyway, I wanted something special, just for us, now that we're together. Besides, I don't want some random guy thinking he can hit on my girl! I want everyone to..."

"We can't be together, Cedric! It's not going to work," you interrupted, in frustration. His grin fell, as he took in the deadly serious look, that had laid itself across your features. He turned to face you, his lips pressed into a thin line, frowning, as he stared straight into your eyes. You shifted, uncomfortably, not knowing how to react.

"What? Why not? What are you talking about," he asked, looking as lost as ever. You averted your eyes, shaking your head, you didn't know how to tell him.

"I... It's just that... I... I can't be with you... I'm sorry... I wish it were different... I really do... I just... We can't..." you whispered, as he clenched his jaw.

"That's not an answer, it's a cheap excuse. I thought you loved me," he replied, his voice dangerously low, as he spat out the words. "What happened to all of those things we said last night? What happened to being honest with each other? What happened to all those promises? I thought you wanted this... Or was that all just a joke to you? Look, I get it... You have every right to be pissed at me for what I've done to you, but this? Toying with me? Leading me on?Letting me think that I had a chance with you? God, I told you that I was in love with you! And what did you do? You stood there and let me! That's low, (Y/N), even for a Slytherin..." he seethed, his voice turning cold. He gave you an icy glare as your eyes burned with tears.

Too Shy To Tell You (Cedric Diggory x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now