Chapter 2

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-Third POV-

"So you excited boi?" (F/N) asked his son as the two made it to the town that is crowded with people that are enjoying their day.

"You bet! After all this time I finally get to build my own weapon!" (Y/N) shouted excitedly as his father chuckled.

"Any idea on what you want to make?" He asked.

"Not sure, I might go with a sword since I've always trained with one and grown used to them and it wouldn't make sense to change it up." I said as a smile was on his father's face.

"Ah the classic sword is a great choice, but don't want to add something else to your weapon? Like make it transform into another weapon?" His father suggested as they pushed passed the crowd.

"I was thinking about making it changed into a gun, like a rifle or machine gun, or anything for long range combat with Dust infused bullets but I figured it would cost extra to do and Dust isn't exactly cheap." The boy explained.

"Yeah Dust isn't cheap and with the Schnee owning most of the Dust and charging so much it would be rather costly, but you can still make it change into a gun and we'll use normal rounds but can make it dust compatible. It's up to what you want my son, I never really had a specialized weapon like what the Huntsman used and you have what it takes to have one. Besides, I've saved enough Lien for you to go crazy with modifications and such, just add what you like since you'll be carrying it for a long time."

"Or until it breaks." (Y/N) added.

"Yes that but if it does come to that you're on your own, and hopefully by then you have your own money and maybe a girl." The father said teasingly and chuckled while his son groaned.

"Ugh like that will ever happen with all these women flirting with me non stop and I think that old lady ruined dating for me." He said I disgust as his body shivered from that horrible moment while his dad laughed. "Shut up!"

"Oh (F/N)...~" Their little moment was cut short when they heard that as they turned around to see a tall and gorgeous woman standing there with a luscious grin. She has long violet hair that almost reaches her waist, she has black pearl eyes and wore a skin tight white dress that shows her well curvy body and large bust.

"Shit... Hey Natalie." (F/N) grumbled out as the woman went to cling onto his arm.

"It's so good to see you again, I haven't seen you in weeks." The woman said as she raised her hand and caressed his cheek as he simply groaned in annoyance.

"You saw me like last week... or more like you cornered me in the alleyway." He said aggressively as the woman giggled.

"True." Her smile turned into a hateful frown. "If it wasn't for that man stealing bitch I would've had you."

"Don't call my wife a bitch!" (F/N) as he turned around to face his son and pulled out some Lien and handed them to his son. "(Y/N) here's the Lien for your weapon and extra for food, I'll meet you at the smith's after I deal with this..." He tried to find the right word not wanting to set off the woman as she then tried to kiss him but (F/N) placed his hand on her face to stop her while his son chuckled at the sight.

"Okay I'll see you there... good luck I guess." (Y/N) said as he left his dad to deal with the crazy woman that's been trying to get with his dad for years.

From what his father told him he knew Natalie before he met his mom and would always try to get with him, but when he met and married his mom she went a little crazy. She even went as far to force herself onto him but luckily (F/N) was quick enough to escape or (M/N) to bail him out. For (Y/N) he found it quite amusing to see his dad squirm and considers payback for letting an old lady flirt with him, but while he didn't it amusing he also finds it annoying since he grew up having to deal with the woman as well. There's been times where Natalie threw some flirtatious comments at the boy especially more often now that he recently turned eighteen and is a legal adult. If she couldn't get the father then she would try to get the son, which made the boy's body shivered at the thought. But as (Y/N) was in his train of thought he didn't realize someone walked right in front of him and the two collided and he landed on the person.

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