Prologue II

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-Third POV-

It's been a few fours since King Arthur and his men have settled down to rest and wait for the incoming Grimm to arrive. As the sun set over the horizon, and the moon slowly rise up to the sky and Arthur was in his tent inspecting his armor and gear but just when he was giving his sword a few swings one of the scouts entered the tent breathing heavily.

"M-My lord!" The scout shouted gaining the attention of the young king.

"What is it scout?"

"The Grimm, t-they are approaching!" He shouted as Sir Kay and another knight entered the tent.

"My king, is there a problem?" Sir Kay asked as the young king looked at him.

"Prepare for battle!" The king said as Sir Kay nodded and exited the tent quickly with the scout following behind. The young king stood there for a moment before letting out a tired sigh as he looked over towards his armor.

"I will not fail you father." Arthur said to himself as he walked towards it and began taking it off its armor stand and putting it on. After putting his armor on he exited his tent to see his forces running around prepping for the incoming Grimm and also Merlin besides his tent, waiting for him.

"Are you ready my king?" He asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be."

"Remember, while Grimm have been less of the norm recently they still are a threat to us and can be quite unpredictable." He said as the two walked within the chaos as many soldiers were putting on their gear and running around trying to prep themselves.

"I know Merlin, but I am confident we will prevail and it's not like we deal with Grimm on a daily basis, even if they're numbers are growing."

"Don't you think it's strange that they're numbers or growing at an alarming rate and attacking heavily fortified settlements." Merlin said.

"It is a bit strange but we have bigger problems with other kingdoms trying to get power and waging war amongst our lands. So we'll deal with these Grimm and move on to bigger matters." King Arthur said watching his army prepare for the upcoming battle before looking back towards his advisor with a small smirk. "You should go and prepare yourself Merlin since I'm sure you haven't seen battle for quite some time."

"Hehe... yeah it has been a while, I remember the days where I fought alongside with your father against the Grimm and other nations in the first Great Independent War." He said as he was remembering his youth besides the old king, some were good while some memories still trouble him. He stood there for a few moments before snapping back to reality to look back at the young king before him. "Anyway, I should go round up the rest of the mages and prepare for battle."

"You do that Merlin, see you on the battlefield." The king said as Merlin nodded and walked off to prepare.

After a bit of an hour of preparing Arthur and his army stood there in formation with about four hundred archers standing behind the heavily armed soldiers with King Arthur and five of his most trustful knights standing in front of the army, waiting for the Grimm to emerge forests with the moon being their only source of light. They all stood there patiently, waiting for the Grimm as some were getting rather anxious with waiting around but some of their anxiety grew when the Grimm emerged from the forest, far more than they imagined with what looks to be more than a thousand charging straight at them.

The archers readied their magic infused arrows and waited for the order to fire from their leading captain of the archer regime. The captain raised his arm up gesturing them to hold and stared at the incoming Grimm horde and waited for them to get within range. Some men from the front lines were getting a bit anxious and while some newly recruited soldiers were slowly losing their composure but held together by their superiors.

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