✧ chapter twenty-four ✧

Start from the beginning

"A rivalry you think?" I snorted, "Okay Mr President, or should I call you Trump? You do understand this is fucking college right? Not the fucking Mafia. You Frat boys are so dramatic. My safety isn't ask risk as you are just a bunch of young boys in a fraternity and so are they. You're acting like I'm going to get fucking shot or abducted. I'm over this shit." I walk out of the meeting room and close the door behind me harshly.

I stand outside the room for a moment and allow myself to exhale deeply out my nose. Letting out the strain that had accompanied me for the time due to my fury. Everyone was dead silent inside the meeting room. May have been surprising seeing me act out like that. The only boys in that room who have seen any form of that behaviour would be Harry, Zayn, Louis and Noah.

I rub my temples to sooth my pounding head and finally start walking to my room. The stairs felt especially heavy as I trudged up them.

I walked inside my room and shut the door behind me softly. I headed to my mini fridge to grab a block of chocolate and sat on my bed defeatedly. I seem very dramatic right now but I've never been one to accept people telling me how to run my life.

About 10 minutes later I heard a faint knocking at my door. "Come in." I said softly whilst staring at my phone.

Noah peaked his head into my room and gave me a small smile before I rolled my eyes and turned over in bed.

I felt the bed dip down as Noah made his way over to me. We sat silently for a few moments. I patiently waited for him to say what he wanted to say.

"I'm really sorry Ariana." He quietly let out. He sounded drained and worried. I started to feel anxious due to my unfair reaction.

"But why me? I'm literally not that important or anything. I don't understand why this shit is revolved around me when it's a stupid rivalry between two male frats." I grown with a huff to complete my rant.

"Well if you remember how Bryon was as a person, they're all like that. They will do anything to make us suffer and if anything happened to you that would be the worse possible thing they would do."

"Well they won't murder me." I scoff. He nods knowingly. "And I'm afraid of what they're capable of Ari. On a better note, did you want to spend some time together and watch a movie? We haven't spent nearly enough time together."

"Oka-" I begin to say before being cut off by the door knocking. I scrunch my eyebrows together and look towards the door. "Occupied." I call out as the door opens anyway.

The opened door reveals the head of curls I was dreading in seeing. "Sorry to disturb. Can I have a moment with Ari?" He asks as I widen my eyes. Noah looks over at me and I quickly shake my head no. With a frown he looks back at Harry. "Sure man."

Noah began to stand up and I whispered many "no's" as he left the room, leaving Harry and I alone together.

"So..." He opened his mouth to speak. I immediately scooted back into the pillows to hide. He smirked at my reaction as he approached the bed.

"What was with the attitude? You know you can't speak to me like that... right?" He sat down on the bed next to me. "Next time you use a disrespectful tone and response with me you're gonna get it..." He lifted my chin up for me to look into his green eyes  I immediately felt his gaze overpower my judgement. However his threat caused me to raise my eyebrows half heartedly.

Harry's demeanour shifted and I immediately regretted my actions. I relaxed my facial features and mumbled a sorry, looking down at my twiddling hands.

"I love it when you submit to me. Seeing this side of you truly shows you aren't the 'tough guy' that you make yourself out to be." Harry chuckled and stood up from the bed.

"Try and be more respectful of who I am and my authority. Is that clear?" He walked towards the door and turns to me.

I nod my head, not looking up at him. I cowered does much around him it was kind of embarrassing. "I can't hear you..." he sing songs.

I sigh before saying a quick "okay". 

"Okay... what?" He presses further. I furrow my eyes and look up at him. What the fuck is he talking about.

"Okay Dad." I growl and roll my eyes at him. Mocking his stupid authoritarian demeanour. He returns the look and walks out of the room. I sigh and relax my tensed body into the comfort of my bed again

A moment later Noah walked back into my room and jumped onto my bed and opened Netflix. "So what are we watching?" He asked. I merely shrugged my shoulders and allowed him to choose the film. I was to distracted to think due to my annoyance at the one and only Harry Styles.

I'm sorry this took a while I really struggled to write this chapter. I've been trying to write but I've had really bad writers block so I'm sorry I let y'all down.

Enjoy quarantining !!

Tash x

Frat House // harry stylesWhere stories live. Discover now