Chapter 15

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Bram's P.O.V.

I woke up before Axel and I know that he has a baseball game today, so I decided to be nice.
I put a couple Gatorade bottles and water bottles into the fridge so they would be cold, then I made pancakes.
Since I had enough batter left at the end for one bigger pancake, I decided to make it into a baseball.

I used a spoon to drizzle the batter into the shape of laces, then waited for that to cook for fifteen seconds.
I poured the rest of the batter in and then rinsed out the bowl and put it in the dishwasher.
Just as I finished making the last pancake, the doorbell rang.
Of course. Axel's stupid friends are here.
I ran upstairs and Axel's bedroom door was open, but the bathroom door was closed.
I could hear the shower on, so he was taking a shower.
I went downstairs and opened the front door.

When I opened the door, there was nobody there.
I went back into the kitchen after closing the door and there was two people standing at the sliding glass door.
I screamed and they started laughing.
I recognized them as Axel's friends and I unlocked the door.
They opened the door from outside and they came into the kitchen.

"Where's the Axman?" One of them asked.
"Showering." I answered.
I locked the back door again and somebody knocked on it.
I turned around to see Axel's friend that stepped on my action figures.
"Don't let him in." I said.
"Why?" James asked.
"Because I said so." I answered.
I pulled the blinds on Axel's friend so I didn't have to look at him, then I got the syrup out, along with a fork, knife and energy drink.
I put the plate of pancakes at the one empty spot at the island and then put the fork, knife, syrup and energy drink beside it.

The front door opened and my eyes went wide.
Oh shit, I forgot to lock the front door.
I grabbed the closest thing to me that I could find to use as a weapon which was a wooden spoon and I looked at Axel's other friends.
"We can't help you, kid." Trey said
Axel's friend walked in and I held up the wooden spoon for protection.
Axel's friend walked over to me and stood a few feet away from me.

Axel walked in and saw all of his friends and then spotted me.
"Nerd, why are you in here?" Axel asked.
Before I could respond, his friend put me in a headlock and noogied me.
They all laughed as I tried to get out and his friend lifted me off the ground after releasing me from the headlock.
He went to the living room and dropped me on the couch.
He punched me a couple times and then went back to the kitchen.

Once I recovered, I went up to my room and locked my door then put the chair up.
Will texted me and said "I am leaving work at 12 o'clock so I can drive you and Axel to his baseball game at 12:30. I will pick you up when it is done."
"Okay." I texted back.
I took a shower and then changed into a pair of shorts, a shirt with Axel's team on it and then out on the hat that Axel gave me so I wouldn't snitch.

"Nerd! You're going to my baseball game at noon. My dad's picking us up. My friends are driving themselves." He told me.
"Okay. How big do you want me to make my 'Axel sucks' sign to be?" I questioned.
"Depends on how long you want to be beat up for." He retorted.

Axel walked away and I put sunscreen on now since I didn't want to burn.
I went downstairs and got the cooler from the garage.
I brought it into the kitchen and there was so much vape smoke, I could barely see.
I opened the sliding door so the vape smoke could go out through there.
I opened the freezer and put a couple ice packs in the cooler.
I put the drinks into the cooler, then put it by the front door.

"Nerd, bring me the energy drinks. The coach is doing cooler checks and is looking for any energy drinks. He doesn't want us drinking them." Axel told me.
I grabbed the two energy drinks, then grabbed two Gatorades. I went into the kitchen and got two cups down from the cupboard.
"Don't touch my shit, dork." Axel said as he was about to grab the energy drinks from me.
"Wait." I replied.
He sighed as I poured out half of the Gatorades into each cup.
I tried to open his energy drink, but it had a twist off cap and I couldn't open it.

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