Chapter 9

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Bram's P.O.V.

Today Wes comes over and I'm super pumped.
Both Will and my mom are working, so we're stuck home alone with Axel.

The doorbell rang at 9:30 and I raced downstairs so it wouldn't wake Axel up.
I opened up the door and Wes was standing there.
"Hey." He said as he came inside.
"Hey." I replied and shut the door.
"Where's the demon?" He questioned.
"Sleeping in his room." I replied.
"Good. We don't have to worry about him bugging us." He said.
"Yeah. Want breakfast?" I asked.
"Sure." He answered.
"Chocolate chip pancakes?" I suggested.
"Hell yeah." He replied.
We went to the kitchen and talked while I made the pancake mix and started cooking them.

Wes was sitting down on a chair in the kitchen while I was making pancakes and Axel walked in.
He came over to me when I went over to the fridge, and he pulled me away from it.
He sacked me and then pulled my shirt over my head.
Axel punched me a few times and then stopped.

"S'up, Wes?" Axel asked.
"H-Hey." Wes stuttered.
I put my shirt back on and Axel stole some pancakes from the stack.
I sighed and he sat down next to Wes at the table.

Once I finished making pancakes, I gave some to Wes and got another plate out since I knew that Axel would steal some of mine.
I took three of the five pancakes on my plate and gave them to Axel.
Axel stole one from Wes and then he went upstairs to his room.
"Why is he being so nice?" Wes asked.
"He's planning something." I answered.
"What do you think it is?" Wes questioned.
"I'm not sure yet, but I know it's not gonna be good." I replied and kept eating.

After we finished eating, I washed our plates and we went up to my room to play video games.
I sat down on my bed while looking at my phone and Wes said "Bram?"
"Yeah?" I asked not looking up from my phone.
"Where's your TV?" He answered.
I looked up and there was no TV on my dresser.

"Axel, what the hell?!" I yelled.
I got up from my bed and told Wes "You knock on his door really hard and I'll yell at him so it's like I'm hitting the door."
"Okay, why?" Wes asked.
"You'll see." I answered as I quickly went over to my bathroom drawer and got a bobby pin.
We went to Axel's room and Wes started hitting the door.
"Axel! Give me back my TV! It's not funny!" I yelled.
I went to the doorknob and shoved the bobby pin into the keyhole while Wes kept banging on the door.
I moved it around until it unlocked and I stood up.
I hid the bobby pin in my pocket and I opened the door.

"How the hell did you get in here?" He asked while towering over us.
"The door was unlocked. Now give me back my TV!" I answered.
"Don't have it. You're not allowed in my room and you know it." He replied.
Before I could run, Axel grabbed me and pinned me to the ground.
He punched me in the stomach and slapped the hell out of my arm.
He stopped after thirty seconds and got off of me.
"Don't come in here again or I will actually kill you." Axel said.

I walked out with Wes and we both looked at each other.
"I looked around his whole room for the TV while he was hitting you and it's not there. Let's check your room for it." Wes said.
Wes and I spent a few minutes searching in my room and then we spent two hours looking around the house for possible places that he could have put it.
I got a glance under his bed when I was pinned, but there was nothing under it.

"Want to watch TV downstairs, then?" I suggested.
"Sure." He replied.
I hid our phones in my bathroom drawer in case Axel tried to come down and take them.
We went downstairs and watched a movie, then the doorbell rang.
I got up to answer it and walked over to the door.
I opened the front door and before I could see who it was, I was being thrown over their shoulder.
My immediate response was to scream, so that's what I did.
Then I heard another scream. Wes. Shit.
The person who had me had run out to the backyard and he threw me into the pool.
I was about to come up for air but they threw Wes on me, pushing me back down to the bottom.

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