Chapter 2

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Bram's P.O.V.

It's been a month since Will and Axel came to have dinner with us.
I've been cutting grass for money and I've made $150 dollars so far. I charge 10 dollars for small lawns and 15-20 dollars for large lawns.
Mom told me that we're going out to dinner with Will and Axel. Yay.

I changed into a Hawaiian shirt and put a pair of shorts on. I grabbed a hat from my room and put it on backwards. I went downstairs and got into mom's car.
"Where are we eating?" I asked.
"The Rib Shack." She answered.
"I don't like ribs." I whined.
"I know, Bram. There will be chicken there too." Mom replied.

We drove to the restaurant and got seated at a spot outside. Axel and Will came after a few minutes and I had to go to the washroom, so I had mom order for me.
Of course, right when I was washing my hands, Axel came into the bathroom.
He didn't acknowledge me at first and then once I dried off my hands and went to leave, he put his foot against the door while washing his hands.
"Just let me leave. I never did anything to you." I said.
He ignored my statement while quickly turning around and slamming me up against the wall.
I winced in pain and he punched me in the stomach.
I started coughing and he said "You're even more pathetic than you were last month."
He punched me in the stomach a couple more times and I started coughing and crying.

When he finally let go of me, I went over to the sink so I could finish crying and he couldn't see me. He wasn't even paying attention anyway, he was just staring at his phone. I washed my face after I finished crying and he said "You done blubbering?"
I didn't answer and walked towards the door.
We walked out and back to the table.
"What took you boys so long?" Will asked.
"We were talking about superheroes, sorry." I lied.
"Alright, but you guys can talk at the table. No need to just talk alone." Will replied.
Not even sure what that means, but okay.

Mom, Will and Axel talked about stuff until the food came and I saw Axel smirk when he saw that I got chicken strips and not a steak like everybody else did. We ate and Will said "How about you boys go for a walk while we wait for the bill?"
"That sounds like a great idea." Axel fake smiled.
He got up and I got up too.
"Come on, bud. Let's go have some fun." Axel said and put his arm around my shoulder.
His hand moved towards the back of my neck as we walked away and he grabbed the back of my neck.

Once we were a good distance away from our parents, he lead me to the part behind the trees and I asked him "Can you let go now?"
He let go then punched me in the chest, knowing I'd throw up if he punched me in the stomach.
I winced and he punched me in the head.

He tripped me, causing me to face plant, and bent down near my head.
He grabbed the back of my neck again and said "You're worthless."
He let go and before I could get up, he put his foot on my back preventing me from getting up.

I strained my neck to look up at him and I saw that he was vaping.
He blew his vape smoke at me and although it smelt like mango, it was still disgusting.
He took his foot off of me and I got up.
I brushed myself off and brushed off my back.

We walked back and Will said "We have an idea we want to run by you two. Come sit."
We sat down and waited for what they were gonna say.

"We were thinking about moving in together. What do you guys think?" Will asked.
I didn't say anything and waited for Axel to speak first.
"If it's what you two want, then we're not gonna stand in the way of your happiness. I'm leaving next year anyway, so it won't matter in the long run." Axel answered.
"How do you feel about it, Bram?" Mom asked.
"Doesn't matter to me. In the end you two make the decision. Not us. I'm gonna go sit in the car." I answered while grabbing her keys off the table.
I went to the car and got in after unlocking it.

I rested my head against the dashboard and closed my eyes. The thought of having Axel living in the same house as me, or possibly even being my stepbrother makes me sick.

After five minutes mom got in the front seat and said "They're moving into our house two weeks from now."
"Okay, whatever." I replied and gave her the keys.
I sat up and put my seatbelt on, then looked out the window the whole way home.

Two weeks later...

I woke up to being hit where the sun don't shine and I looked up to see Axel. It caught me off guard since they move in today, but I didn't expect to see him so soon. He punched me in the stomach and chest then walked out of my room. I coughed and got my breath back. I got up and took a shower then changed into a pair of shorts and a Pac-Man shirt.

I went downstairs and Will was carrying boxes inside.
"Hey, Bram. There's boxes you can get out of the truck." He told me.
Oh sure, not like I wanted to eat breakfast or anything.
I went out to the truck and there were boxes at the back of the truck bed.
I had to pull myself up onto the tailgate and I went over to the boxes.
I moved them towards the tailgate so I could grab them and Axel came outside.
He grabbed two boxes and there was only one box left.
He stared at me, waiting for me to jump down, since he knew I wouldn't.
I sat down on the tailgate and got down that way.
"Noob." He said and pushed my head.

He carried the boxes inside and I grabbed the box that was left.
It was super heavy and I struggled to walk with it.
I put it down in the living room and went to my room.
I made myself a bowl of cereal and ate it quickly.
I went up to my room and I played video games for an hour.

Of course, Axel had to come grace me with his presence after at hour.
"Hey, nerd. We need to establish some rules. First off, I tell you to do something and you do it. If you don't, then I will beat the shit out of you. Secondly, under no circumstances will you tell anybody that our parents are together and whatever relation we have to each other now. Seeing as you have no friends, it won't be hard for you to not tell anybody. Oh and when I have my friends over, stay the fuck in your room." Axel told me.
"Okay. I have friends, Axel. My best friend is named Wes, for your information. And if I have to follow your rules, you have to follow mine. Don't go in my room and don't take things from my room. So give me back my Aquaman." I replied.
"For a nerd, you're pretty stupid. That's not how this works. I make the rules, you don't. And if you really wanted to make the rules, you couldn't anyway since you don't meet the requirements. You must be at least 6 feet tall to make rules." Axel smirked.
"Fine. But please give me back my Aquaman." I said.
"No way. It's mine now." Axel replied and shoved me.
He walked out of my room and I spent the rest of the day playing video games and reading comic books.

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