Chapter 6

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Bram's P.O.V.

I was woken up at 7:30 by Mom who told me to bring my suitcase down and to put everything in the cooler that Will put on the counter.
I put lots of snacks because I know that Axel will eat them between his games.
I put the leftover pizza in a Tupperware and put it in the cooler.
I also put the Gatorade and two of Axel's energy drinks in there.

Mom, Will and I got into my mom's van. Will drove, which was different because I've never seen anybody but my mom drive her van.
The tournament is three hours away, so the ride there was a bit boring.
I mainly just read my book and listened to music.

We checked into our hotel room and Will called Axel to tell him what room we were in.
I sat on my bed and played a game on my phone.
Within a few minutes, there was a knock on the door and Will opened the door.
Axel walked in like he owned the place, as usual, and he came over to me.
He pushed me over and then lightly punched me a few times.
"Axel, be careful please." Will said, knowing that Axel wasn't hurting me.
"Relax, I'm not hurting him." Axel replied as he sat on me.
"Where's my stuff, dipshit?" He asked in a lower voice so his dad wouldn't hear him call me dipshit.
"In my bag. I'll get it if you get off of me." I answered.
He got off of me and I opened my suitcase.
I gave Axel his hat, sunglasses and sweater, and then closed my suitcase.

"My tournament starts in an hour, guys. It takes half an hour to get there so we should leave soon. I'm leaving with my friends, so I probably won't see you for awhile." Axel told Will and my mom.
"Okay. Good luck." Mom said.
"Good luck, Ax. Have fun." Will replied.
"Thanks. Later losers." Axel said and left.
I saw something shiny on the floor and I stared at it for a second before realizing what it was.
It was Axel's vape.

"What's on the floor?" Will asked while getting up.
"It's mine." I quickly answered before quickly running over to it.
"What is it?" Will questioned.
"It's a USB for a computer. I put games on it. I forgot that it was in my suitcase. It probably got tangled up in Axel's sweatshirt." I replied while putting it in my pocket.
Will nodded and I asked him "What room is Axel staying in?"
"218. But he might already be gone." Will answered.
"Okay. I was gonna give him a Gatorade so he would have it for the game." I replied.
"Alright. Just meet us at the van." Will said.
I nodded and left after getting a Gatorade that I brought up.
I went to the second floor since we're on the third floor, and I started walking down the hallway when I saw a bunch of guys in baseball uniforms at the other end of the hallway.
I saw Axel's brightly coloured cleats and said "Axel!"
They all stopped and Axel turned around.

I started running to him and I could tell that he rolled his eyes.
"It's my stupid stepbrother. Just go ahead." Axel told his friends.
"Nah, we want to see what he wants." I heard his friend reply.
Once I got to them, I started panting and one of his friends said "What is it, Lassie?"
All of his friends laughed and I handed Axel a Gatorade.
"All that for a Gatorade?" His other friend laughed.
I reached into my pocket and grabbed the vape.
"You dropped this." I told Axel.
"Your dad almost got it, but I told him it was my USB for my computer." I added.
"Whatever. Leave before I kick your ass." Axel said.

I sighed, but ran the other direction and went to the elevator.
I took the elevator down to the lobby and went out to the van where mom and Will were.
We drove to the baseball diamond and parked.
We found a nice spot to sit under some trees so we set up our lawn chairs and my mom laid down a blanket.
Axel's team started playing and I honestly only watched when Axel was batting or when he was on the field.

The first game ended and Axel's team won.
Axel came over to our spot and dumped me out of my chair.
"Axel, don't do that." Will sighed.
"It's fine, Will. I'm okay." I replied and sat on the blanket.
I opened the cooler and got a Gatorade for myself and got the Tupperware of pizza out.

I went over to Axel who was looking at his phone and I lightly kicked him.
He kicked me back while looking at me and I handed him the pizza.
He took it, along with the Gatorade and I got myself another one.
"Not the yellow ones, they're mine. Get a purple one." Axel said.
I sighed since I hate purple, but I put the yellow back and got myself a purple one.
I took a sip and then put my cap back on.
I laid down on the blanket after putting my earbuds in and turned my music on, then closed my eyes.

After an hour of peace, somebody sat on me.
I opened my eyes and strained my neck to see Axel.
"Get off." I whined.
He laughed and got off.
"My next game's starting. Our parent's went to the van really quick. They told me to get you up." Axel said.
I nodded and sat up.
I sat in the lawn chair and Axel went to the dugout.

"How many games does Axel have today?" I asked Will.
"Three. He has three or four tomorrow depending on how they do." Will answered.
I nodded and watched his game.
"Axel has another game right after this too." Will added.
"Okay. I'm going to give him some water and an energy drink." I replied.
"Alright." Will said.
I got them out of the cooler and went over to Axel.
I tapped him and he turned around.
He sighed and stood on the bench, even though he didn't need to since he was already tall enough.
"Put it through the top." Axel told me, referring to the top of the fence where there was a gap.

I tried to reach but I couldn't.
I sighed but put the two drinks in my back pockets and started climbing the fence.
I got to the top and handed the drinks to him through the gap.
Axel sat back down and I got off the fence.
I went back over to where my mom and Will were, and I sat down in my chair.
Axel's team won again and they had a five minute break before starting their last game.

Axel's team was doing bad in the beginning and Axel went up to bat when the bases were loaded. Axel hit a home run and it was actually pretty cool. The other team also got a home run in the next inning, and Axel's team won by a few runs.
Axel came over to us and told Will "I'm going with my friends."
"Okay." Will replied.
Mom, Will and I put everything back in the van and we started driving back to the hotel.

"So Bram, it's 7:45 right now. Is it okay with you if your mom and I go on a date night?" Will asked me.
"Sure." I answered.
"Alright. Are you hungry?" He asked.
"No." I answered.
"Okay. Here's one of the room keys." She replied.

They dropped me off at the lobby door and I went up to the hotel room.
I took a shower and when I came out of the washroom in my pyjamas, Axel was sitting on my bed.
"What are you doing here?" I asked.
"My friends are going out to eat. I didn't want to eat." He answered.
I nodded and sat on the bed that mom and Will are going to sleep on.
I went on my phone and Axel said "My friends are back. Later loser."
He left and I went to sleep in my bed.

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