Chapter Six

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It's chapter six guys! Woo! :') I really hope you're enjoying it so far if there's anything at all you want me to change just tell me! I don't care what you say as long as it's honest... And constructive... Anyway enjoy the chapter guys!

Warning- self harm references, swearing and is heated in places...


As soon as we got to Harry's I went to the toilet and got changed into my pink and navy blue striped Jack Wills pajamas that my last foster family bought for me, to try to say that they love me... But they didn't they we're assholes. Anyway I left the bathroom whilst putting my hair up in a messy ballerina  bun. Everybody was staring at me. I dropped my arms and wrapped them around my stomach.

"So, guys, me and Niall are going to get a movie.. What do we want?" Louis spoke out obviously sensing my feeling of unease... I decided to be a little braver and speak out

"I reckon that we have a Jackass marathon... All three seasons of it then all 5 movies, I'va got all the dvd's, and that should take us through the night, and if not.. I've got Disney films?" I said smirking. I'm a super big jackass fan, so when the 5 boys nodded their heads in approval I was more than happy!

"Well, that settles it, Amy, do you want to come with us?" Louis smiled

"I dunno, Lou, I just changed into my pj's..." I said looking at Harry

"Oh, please come, Amelia, for me? Please!" begged Niall. I rolled my eyes and agreed, I couldn't refuse Niall, he was so sweet! Harry decided to stay at the flat and order pizza. We said bye and set off, I sat in the front of Louis' mini with Niall in the back and made our way to the home to get my dvd's. I quietly let myself in since it was past curfew and the doors were locked and rarely the kids stayed up so late since there weren't many older kids living here and tried to sneak up the stairs until I heard mumbling coming from Jenny's office. I crept up to her closed her door. I could just about hear her arguing with my social worker, Ellen. Shit. Ellen is the biggest bitch you will ever meet, ever. She's so strict, she sets the rules on my rights and which family or house I go to and stuff like that. She pretends to cares about us, but she couldn't give a damn. She's hardly ever over here, and if she is, it's usually to ship us over to another family or house. Sometimes she does random check-ups to check everyone is following the rules. She must've been bollocking Jenny for letting me out tonight. She definitely was.

"How could you let Amelia out in the state she's in? You know about what she did at the hospital. She's not stable Jenny, we need to get her some mental help otherwise, who knows what'll happen" Ellen said in a firm but quiet voice.

"She's not like that! She's the loveliest girl in the house! She has her moments, sure, but don't we all? She's just misunderstood.." Jenny tried to stand up for me, just  to be shot down by Ellen again..

"What a load of shit! The drugs she's taken... God... She's fucked up Jennifer, and you know it. Have you seen the disgusting scars on her body? She needs help.

"NO SHE DOESN'T! Jesus Christ Ellen! She's getting better, she's spent a month clean, this boy she met that she's with now..."

There was a pause.... Ellen said that girls weren't allowed out with boy who weren't from the house after nine. It was now 11:30

So she's out with a boy? You know what Jenny? I'm sick and tiered with you constant lying and rule breaking, I want all your stuff packed up tonight, and I want you gone by tomorrow." Ellen said.

I nearly crumbled there and then, Jenny was the nicest person in the world, she was the only person who understood me. And now she's gone.

"I was going to say, the boy she's with now, Harry, he seems so sweet, and he seems so right for Amelia, he helps her through life, no kid should have to live like this, but he helps her, she's on the phone for hours every day with him and they never run out of things to talk about. He completes her." Jenny said to Ellen as if she was pleading with her.

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