Chapter two

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*Warning- swearing and self harm and graphic images*

Chapter two


I woke up to someone lightly shaking me and cooing my name. I slowly opened my eyes and the bright white lights invaded my vision. Once I adjusted to the light, I saw the two boys from before who helped me. I Instantly noticed how attractive they were. The boy with curly hair smiled gently at me and I jumped back realising he had his hand on my shoulder. I didn't like people touching me. After I did that, he looked a bit concerned, but that soon faded. He had beautiful green eyes like supernovas with flecks of brown and grey in, perfectly straight teeth and cute dimples indented in his cheeks either side of his beautiful pink lips. I realised I was staring at him, and blushed and looked at the ground as I heard him giggle lightly, he must've realised to. The other boy had brown straight hair swept to the right and his eyes were too dark to see at that moment, he looked tired but still smiled at me. It felt nice and peaceful. we sat  in silence for a few minutes and I stretched and put my hands up to rest on my throbbing head. My whole body way aching. Then, all of a sudden, a doctor walked in abruptly, ruining the peace and checked for concussion and decided I had mild concussion.

"Take these pain killers every hour, and do you have someone to spend the night with? Because you can't be alone tonight in case something happens with your head." The doctor asked

"I- um, I..." I stuttered. I couldn't go back to the home now, like this, I would never be able to go out again, even if I wanted to...

"Yes, she's coming home with us" The curly haired boy smiled as he put his arm around my shoulders. The doctor must've picked up on my confusion and tension in my shoulders as a result of him touching me.

"Is that right, Amelia? Do you know these boys?" She questioned

"Um, Yeah... YES, I do, they um, go to my school...." I bluffed, but she believed me, which surprised me since I'm a really bad liar, As we walked out, I was growing ever more conscious of the arm hung casually over my shoulder. I started to feel claustrophobic and I panicked.

"Are you okay? You're hyperventilating.." The curly haired boy asked worried.

"Um, yeah, I don't want to sound rude,but could you not put your arm around me? It's nothing to do with you, it's me being mentally fucked up sorry..." I said embarrassed,

"Yeah, sure, of course, sorry, I should've asked..." he stammered

"No, please don't make it out as if it was your fault. It's really not.It's me being the idiot I am." I said. The rest of the walk was in an awkward silence. I felt doubly awkward since the boy with straight hair hadn't even spoken yet. Had I offended or upset him some how? Ten minutes later we were standing beside a blue mini cooper, the boy with straight hair opened the passenger seat door and smiled. I just stood there for a minute with a blank expression on my face.

"Well, are you gonna get in or are you gonna just stand there?" He giggled.

"Oh, no thanks I'm fine... I'll just, um, I'll call...erm,,," I didn't know what to say.

"Sounds like you don't have anywhere to go, so you might as well some with us!" He smiled

"I- I can't, I mean, I don't even know your names, I wouldn't like to put you through all this trouble anyway...." I stutter

"It's no trouble at all, my names Louis, I'm twenty, and this is Harry, he's eighteen. Please come with us, it would make us both very happy... We wouldn't be able to sleep not knowing if you are okay or not. " the boy, Louis, smiled.

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