□ PROLOGUE - Michael Hayfield □

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It was another day at the office. Another day, another dollar.  Leaning back in my chair, I stared out of the wide windows that over looked the city and squished the little stress ball I had in my hand.

My secretary was leaving tomorrow and I had alread conducted seven interviews of both men and women to fill her position. So far, no one had met my standards.

It was hard enough having good staff and losing them, but replacing them with entirely new people you didn't know was a whole other challenge.

"Bring in the next candidate." I told my secetary.

"Of course, sir." She replied over the intercom.

I swiveled in my chair to face my office double doors and swiftly stood as they opened.

I quickly glanced down at the name that was scrawled across the application form in front of me. It was an elegant scroll, so immediately I assumed it would be an older lady but as I looked up, I was surprised to see a beautiful young woman step through the doors.

Beautiful was an understatement.

I couldn't help but let my eyes wander, even if it was completely unprofessional. I picked up her application, hoping she hadn't noticed. "Miss Jackson, correct?" I asked, after clearing my throat.

Her eyes were wide as she stared at me and I raised an eyebrow. Apparently, I wasn't the only one surprised. I noticed that she was trying to speak but nothing was coming out and I couldn't help but smirk a little.

I knew women found me attractive, but to render one speechless was truly an honour.

"Correct?" I asked again, looking at her with raised eyebrows. 

She seemed to shake out of it and clear her throat. "Yes, that is I" she replied.

My mouth lifted.

"Please take a seat" I asked, gesturing to the seat in front of my desk.

She nodded, moving quickly and bumping her legs against the lounge with eagerness. At least, she wanted the job badly.

"Have you worked as a Assistant before?" I asked, glancing back down at the paper in my hand.

Every part of my being wanted to know more about her. What her favourite colour was, if she'd ever been to Paris, if she was single.

"No Sir, this will be a first, but I have a graduates degree in Administration" Hope Jackson replied, smiling slightly.

I glanced at her, taking note as her hair fell in waves. I was curious if it was as soft as it looked. "Here at this company, having a degree doesn't matter, what matters is if you can get the job done and on time" I said, finally dropping the paper back on my desk.

She truly was more beautiful than any woman I had ever met.

"Of course sir, I myself hate tardiness on anything" she replied, immediately frowning before it wiped clear.

I leaned forward, a hint of amusement played across my face.

"Another thing I hate, is when people lie to me, tell Miss Jackson, would you lie to me?" I asked, tilting my head.

She seemed to squirm.

"Depends sir, what's the situation?" She asked.

Surprisingly, it was the most honest answer I had ever gotten out of anyone. I liked her immediately. I smiled slightly before standing up, and moved to the window.

I needed a moment to my thoughts, to stop thinking about her and remain professional. She  seemed properly suited for the company, had a sense of humour, eagerness and didn't seem to be wearing a ring.

Not that it mattered.

I made up my mind.

"You're hired" I said before turning to look at her.

It was a slow response, but it was truly enjoyable to watch her emotions play out.

"Wait? For real?" She asked, excitedly.

I wanted to laugh but I kept my amusement under control. "Work begins tomorrow and you will sign the rest of the forms in that time, work begins at seven a.m and I expect you to not be tardy" I said, focusing close into her beautiful eyes.

She nodded quickly and stood up. "Of course sir!" She exclaimed.

I held my hand out and Hope shook it. Warmth crept up my arm and she pulled away a little too quickly. "First thing tomorrow" she said, probably meant for only her to hear.

She gave me a beaming smile before bouncing from the office. The doors closed and I let out a breah.

Holy Christ. How on earth was I going to be able to keep this to myself, for the next however long  years she was going to work for me?

And she was going to be just outside, not that long of a distance away.

I turned to face the city again, thinking about how I should go home and have a cold shower.

"Sir?" A female voice asked.

I turned to see my current secretary standing at the door. "Sorry, in my own world. What's up?" I asked, sitting down at my chair again.

"I think she's going to be a great fit." She said, moving more into my office.

"Yeah?" I asked, happy she agreed.

"Just promise me something." Kaitlyn asked.

I nodded. "Be happy. Find love. Even if it seems to impractical, maybe a little against the rules. Please Michael, be happy. You deserve it. You've been the best goddamn boss I've ever had, and I hope I raise my son to be just like you." She said kindly.

I swallowed, glancing down. "I'll be happy when the universe decides that I can be happy." I replied.

Kaitlyn shook her head. "Just don't wait too long, opportunities like that pretty woman don't come around often." She replied before her smile widened.

"That obvious.. huh?" I asked, leaning back.

"Oh Michael, you have no idea how easy you are too read." She replied.

I smiled in return and shook my head. "Alrighty, I'm off to my appointment, need me to bring back anything?" She asked.

"Na, I think I'm good, thanks though Kat." I replied.

She waved it away and left my office.


I had a dream about writing his version of their first meeting so here it is!!
Let me know if you want other tidbits from his version of the story!

Don't forget to vote and comment! And enjoy all my other works!

Lots of love from, T xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

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