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"You are free to go" the unsmiling doctor said as he pulled away from probing my sore body.

"Thank you doctor" I replied, sliding off the bed.

"I suggest you take it easy for a few days and if you feel any pain, come straight back" he said as I reached the door. 

"Of course, uh what room is Michael Hayfield in?" I asked, looking back at him.

"He's just next door" the doc replied, not looking at me but jotting things down onto his notepad.

I opened the door and walked out into the bright hallway before opening the door next to mine. Michael was sitting up in bed with a book in his hand. He appeared to be at peace but looked up when I opened the door.

"Hey" he said as I closed the door behind me.

"Hey" I replied walking over to his bed.

"Did they clear you?" He asked before I leant down and kissed him gently.

Our hands entwined. "Yeah, I just have to take it easy" I replied, sitting down at the chair.

"Oh, that's good then" he said smiling gently.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, studying his face.

He gave me a pointed look before smiling. "Like I've been in a car accident" he replied.

I shook my head. "I can't believe that happened, they're actually trying to kill us now" I said, leaning back into the chair.

Michael looked down at our hands. "Ba-Hope I don't want you to get hurt, maybe it would be best if you stayed away from me" he said, his face vulnerable.

"I'm not going anywhere Michael, besides you need me I pulled you out of the car and I'm always going to be there to pull you out of the car or whatever situation we're in" I said, seriously.

"You could get really hurt or worse" he replied, his eyes meeting mine.

I saw the uncertainty and pain in his eyes. He wanted me to be safe and alive but he wanted me to be there. "So could you" I replied, grasping his hand tighter.

A small smile teased his lips. "I don't deserve you, you're too loyal and loving" he said as he reached up to stroke my jawline with his thumb as he cupped ny face.

I leant into his touch. "I love you and I would do anything for you" I replied, my eyes closing slowly.

"Anything?" He asked.

I could hear the smile in his tone. I nodded my head gently. "How about kiss me in a hospital?" He asked as my eyes shot open.

"Yes, that's nothing compared to what I'm prepared to do" I replied, leaning in.

"What are you prepared to do?" He asked, his voice dropping to a husky drawl.

I didn't reply, just let my lips collide with his. Michael responded hungrily, pulling me closer to him. Leaning half on the bed and half off, my mouth fought and lost willingly against Michael's for dominance.

A soft moan fell from my lips before the door opened and I fell back immediately. We both turned to look at the open door. "Well what are you kids doing, huh?" Sophie asked as she walked in.

Their mother was in tow, her cold eyes studied me and how close I was to her son before looking at Michael. Swallowing, I stood up. "Sophie, it's good to see you again" I said as Michael's sister wrapped her arms around me and squeezed.

"And you too Hope good to see the romance hasn't died" Sophie said, her eyes sparkling mischievously.

She was definitely like her brother. "How are you Michael?" His mother asked, making me glance from Sophie to her.

I moved away from the bed. "I'm fine, just a few scratches" he replied, hardly looking at her.

Sophie held my hand tightly. "Well I'm glad, what happened?" His mother asked as she moved closer to the bed.

"Car accident, Hope pulled me out of the car" he said shooting me a grateful look.

I smiled gently. "Thank you, for saving my son" his mother said looking at me pointedly. 

She didn't look very glad. Maybe because it was me who saved him. I couldn't help but rise at the challenge in her eyes. "I would do anything for Michael, even if that means pulling him out of burning cars" I replied, my voice firm.

Surprise flickered across Michael's mother's face. Michael himself was beaming at me with pride. Sophie let go of my hand as I took a few steps forward and took Michael's hand. "I'm sorry I am not the woman you would have chosen for your son, but there's is no way in God's name that I will ever leave his side" I said as Sophie smiled, her eyes darting between her mither and myself.

"I love him and I will always love him, I'm not here for his money- I couldn't honestly care less about it, I'm here because your son is an incredible man and he loves me and treats me right, if you can't accept that... than you're just going to have to deal with it" I said, my voice strong despite the heart attack I was having.

His mother watched me. Michael's hand tightened on mine and I glanced at him. He was proud of me. Love etched his features as he looled up at me. "I love you" he said surely.

"I love you too" I replied, squeezing his hand.

He smiled before looking at his mother. His smile faded slightly as she continued to be silent. Sophie rolled her eyes. "Mother" she said, seemung to startle the woman out of her thoughts.

"I always just wanted what was best for my son" she said, as she peered at him.

"I'm happy Mother, I'm finally happy" he replied softly.

She smiled then, like the sun breaking out amongst the dull black clouds. She looked at me. "Welcome to the family" she said, still smiling.

I breathed out in relief.


Phew. That was close. Poor Hope was having a heart attack.

So Hope and Michael are in it for the long run. But with the person still tryna kill them, hopefully neither of them have to die for each other.

I wonder who it could be. *rubs hands together evilly*

Stay tuned!
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Lots of love, Tavana xoxoxoxoxoxo

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