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Warning: Smut Ahead.
Don't say I didn't warn you :)


"Sophie, Hope and I need to get back to New York" Michael said as I leaned against his silver Mercedes.

Sophie pouted. "But my baby?" She asked as she curled a protective hand around her stomach.

"I'm going to come get you as soon as I know Hope is safe" he said as I watched them.

His sister nodded. "Okay well drive safe and don't let her drive because she's a maniac" Sophie said before peering over his shoulder and smiling at me.

I took a bow and she laughed. "Okay, see you soon" Michael said before moving forward and kissing her on the forehead.

He turned around and started to walk towards me and I was thankful I had been blessed with such a man. He looked poised and extremely strong and sexy. He tilted his head and threw me something.

I just barely caught it. The car keys shone back at me. "You're driving" he said grinning.

"Are you sure? You don't fully know what you are up against" I replied as he neared me.

He stopped in front of me, just at the front wheel of the car. "The difference between my sister and I is that she thinks it's crazy driving.." he leaned in close, sending shivers down my spine.

"I think it's hot" he finished.

A smile lit up my face. "Copy that, I'm driving" I said rushed as I quickly dodged around him.

I unlocked the car and ducked down into the drivers seat, closing the door. Michael had copied my actions on the passenger side. He quickly did up his seatbelt.

Safety first, as I clicked my seatbelt into place and turned the key on. The car roared to life and a wild grin appeared on my face. "Don't smile like that, it's hot but it's scary" Michael quickly said.

I glanced at him before punching the car into reverse. "Holy shit, I'm doomed" I heard him mutter as I kept reversing out of the long driveway.

I placed my arm behind the passenger seat head rest and turned my head to watch the road behind me. "Wanna see something my brother taught me?" I asked as Michael held onto the dashboard.

"Do I? How dangerous is it?" He asked before a smirk flitted across his face.

I took a second to glance at him before pulling the handbrake and turning the steering wheel so we swung around to face forward. Michael blinked, surprised.

Driving forward, we merged into the highway traffic and I started to dodge around the cars. Michael eased back as I drive normally. "So what did you think of my family?" He asked, glancing at me.

I checked the rearview mirror and frowned. "Sophie is great, absolutely love her but your mother obviously needs to be warmed up too" I replied.

Michael sighed. "I'm sorry she wasn't more involved or nicer to you, I didn't expect her to be like that.. I guess with kids gone and husband gone, she's gotten bitter" he said.

There was a car following us, and my hunch said it was the same driver that disappeared from the other car I wrecked. This time he knew what I could do. "Michael?" I asked suddenly, interrupting his rambles.

"Do you trust me?" I asked, looking at him.

He nodded, frowning. "Why?" He asked.

"There's a car following us and I think it's the same guy that tried to take Sophie and I out" I trailed off.

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