||Chapter Twenty||

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||Chapter Twenty||

||Daryl's POV||

I woke up to stare at the ceiling of the SUV. A small amount of sunlight peeked through the blankets I put in the windows. Every precaution had to be made to make sure no one knew our identities.

I propped myself onto my elbows and looked around. Avery was soundlessly asleep on the side of me with her back facing me. Her hand was cupping her face while the other one was draped over her waist. The blanket that we shared had gathered at her knees leaving most of her body exposed.

She was the closest to the trunk door so climbing over her wasn't an option. Instead, I squeezed myself between the ceiling of the SUV and the top of the backseat. Once I dropped onto the cushions, I heard Avery start to stir. She made small grunts as she shuffled in the disheveled blankets.

"Hey," I muttered when she looked at me. She rubbed her eyes with the heel of her hands. She was about to say something when the sound of banging on the door sounded out. Walkers.

"I'll get it," I sighed taking out my buck knife. I felt Avery's half opened eyes watched me as I opened the door opposite to the one the walker was hitting on. It was a male with dirty dress clothes that have been torn to shreds. The sleeves were ripped to strips of fabric while blood stained its white shirt. I groaned as I climbed out to go kill it. Would these things ever leave us alone?

I brought my knife up to my ear before bringing it down on top of the geek's skull. Blood squished and squirted out the wound. It took some strength to pull the blade out leaving gore and chunks of flesh still on it.

The door to the trunk opened and Avery climbed out. She had put on her combat boots and attached her bow and arrow to her person. "You wanna go huntin' for a bit?" she asked as she squinted her left eye and pulling her shirt down.

I nodded my head,"Yeah, jus' let me go get my stuff."

I was surprised out how quick she was forgiving me for killing Stan. I guess she had to since we didn't know how long we would be stuck here.

I spotted my leather jacket and vest before slipping it on along with my crossbow. I slammed the trunk door closed and look back at Avery who had an arrow knocked. I nodded my head indicating that we should get a move on.

Avery got the message and started to walk deeper in the woods. I followed not too far behind afraid something might happen. The birds chirping along with the leaves crunching under our feet was about the only thing I could hear. Avery's head snapped back and forth looking for a meal.

She scared me slightly when she pulled the string to her bow and let go after she rose it in the air. It was so quick it happened in a blink. I watched the limp body of a squirrel fall to the ground and shuffle in the leaves. I blinked a few times trying to process what just happened.

Avery looked back at me with a small smirk on her face,"Took you by surprise, huh?" I let out a small chuckle before going to pick it. Her hand was then pressed to my chest,"No, no. Killers keepers."

I shook my head in disbelief and let her pick up the animal. She stuck the head between her belt and pants letting it shake every time she took a step.

She was cunning, smart, and quick. I don't think I could ever lie to her because she would probably always catch me. It's not like I would lie to her anyway. She carries herself with confidence and valor. She didn't show off too much skin, but stayed comfortable. She now wore tank tops since her secret was out. There was no reason to smother over what's been told. It was just the way I wanted my woman to be; cunning, smart, and quick.

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