||Chapter Three||

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||Chapter Three||

I was glad to finally relax after all the walking we did that day. We didn't stop unless we rested or grabbed something to eat. A few geeks tumbled onto our path, but there was no real threat.

I felt vulnerable out in the open. Daryl had a small, one man tent that he had set up and he slept in it for the moment. I volunteered to take first watch since I was still trying to run the situation through my head.

Daryl had a group, but what kind? Was it a bunch of men like him or a close nit family with women and children? I was anxious to find out what type of environment they were living in.

"Go to sleep," I heard a raspy voice say. I whipped my head around to see Daryl emerging from his tent. "I got some blankets in there if you want to sleep there," he continued coming to sit across from me.

I was hesitant to take the offer, but ended up inside the tent. Fuzzy blankets were shuffled across the plastic floor and a small pillow lay at the top of the makeshift mattress.

I kicked off my boots and sat on the ground. I grabbed a quilt and draped it over me trying to collect warmth. I wasn't used to sleeping with a blanket or laying down for that matter.

I was glad I at least could get in a few hours of sleep peacefully. Soon, darkness obscured my vision pulling me into a dreamless sleep.


When I felt my shoulder moving back and forth, it was hard to pull open my eyes. I heard someone softly call, barely audible,"Avery, wake up. It's your turn again."

I jerked awake to see Daryl crouching over me. I hadn't noticed, but Daryl had huge bags under his eyes from the lack of sleep. I slowly got up and followed his orders. It seemed like he was the leader of the duo since I'd always listen to him.

The fire Daryl created burned low. Too high of flames would attract attention. We didn't need walkers around whatsoever.

I gave Daryl his sleep and took the rest of the night. It was the least I could do since he let me follow him like a dog.

After a few hours, he came out of the tent and stretched. "I'm sure you were bored," he sighed as he collected his things. A small smile tugged at my lips before I got up. My bow lay on the side of me so I grabbed them along with my quiver.

"Let's get this thing packed up," Daryl pointed to his tent. I took the stakes out of the ground and pulled the rods out of the fabric. Daryl shoved the plastic in the small bag and slipped it into his own bag that carried all his other supplies.

"We better get movin'. We're almost to the prison," he said motioning his hand for me to follow him. "Prison?" I asked. Was that their sanctuary? I've never thought of the prison as a good setup. Now that he's told me where they camped out, I feel stupid for not putting a prison down as a sanctuary.

"Yeah, that's where they're at," he concluded starting to walk in the direction of the prison. I shrugged my eyebrows and followed him through the woods.


"Look," I heard Daryl whisper. My head shot up from staring at the ground as I walked. My eyes sought out high fences with wire ribbon threaded at the top.

"You found it!" I scoffed. Daryl then started to sprint towards his home. I followed a few steps behind. In under a minute, we were at the front gate.

"Daryl!" a male voice screamed. I looked to where the sound came from above me and saw an Asian looking boy around my age. He stood at the railing of a guard tower. He had a smile plastered on his face as he stared down at his companion.

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