||Chapter Thirty Three||

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||Chapter Thirty Three||

||Avery's POV||

The next morning, I didn't remember where I was. I saw the bottom of the top bunk and panic ran through me. That's when I realized I was back at the prison. A breath of relief escaped me before I heard footsteps making their way to my door.

I looked up to see Daryl leaning against the door frame. "Hey," I muttered. He nodded his head slightly before saying,"They got breakfast ready downstairs. Come and eat." I nodded my head before swinging my legs to the side of the bed and slipping my boots on. Daryl watched me as I got dressed and waited patiently. "Alright let's go," I sighed.


After Daryl and I ate breakfast, we decided to go outside and keep a lookout. I was scared that the Governor's people would come after us sooner or later. I was expecting it within the next few days.

Daryl and I sat together in the guard tower. We had our rifles propped in the corner of the railings while I stood next to them. Daryl held onto his crossbow with an arrow loaded.

"Do you think they'll come back?" I asked. He gave me a distressed look,"Depends on how much they liked him. For all we know they could be hanging up his corpse right now and dancing around it."

I cracked a small smile, but it soon turned into a frown. "I'm just scared that I put the prison in danger. Martinez could be after us at this moment," I sighed.

"Avery, do you realize the kind of shit he put those people through? There's no way that they are gonna take revenge on you. You did them a favor."

I let out another sigh and waited for someone to show up at the gate.


Weeks flew by and nothing happened. Daryl saw me become more stressed out and paranoid through the days. I was waiting for a bomb to go off and a sniper attack from the trees. I was waiting to die despite me being immune.

Daryl didn't change much within that time I was waiting. He still only kissed me or showed affection when we were alone. All the other times he would only talk to me if he needed to tell me something. Yet, I liked it that way. We never got in each other's nerves or stepped over our boundaries and that's how it was going to stay for the rest of our lives.

The End

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