||Chapter Four||

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||Chapter Four||

Soon after the argument between Daryl and Rick, Carol came in the room that I stood in. Her face was in shock as she tried to decipher why I was alone. "Rick told us that you're staying. Why don't we go find you a room," she smiled as she held out her hand to lead me to a cell.

"Maybe we should get you one that's a little far off since Rick hasn't warmed up to you yet. I'm not saying you're a threat, but I don't think he wants you around his children," she smiled as she trudged up the stairs with me. Every step we took made a creaking noise beneath our feet.

"He said for me to help you with Judith and cooking," I turned to her once we reached the second level. "Oh, okay then. Well, when you get finished settling down you can come and help me with dinner," she smiled slightly.

She led me to a cell at the end of the walkway in the dark. It was okay. I liked the dark since it gave me a chance to think. Inside the cell was a small, metal bunk bed pushed against the wall. The mattresses were bare and thin.

Carol left me to unpack to go get some blankets for me since she knew I didn't have any myself. So far, she and Hershel have been the only ones that have been nothing but nice. Yeah, Maggie stood up for me, but I feel that really didn't count.

I lay my tattered bag on the bottom bunk and unzipped the biggest compartment. I took out some food along with my hairbrush and necessities. There was a mirror on the opposite wall the bed was so I decided to look at myself after almost months.

My hair was greasy with grime, dirt, and sweat plastering my body. I felt nasty and sick. I haven't taken a shower in weeks and I don't think I'll have that privilege for awhile. I wore a black t-shirt with a leather jacket over it to mostly to cover up the scars on my shoulder and upper arm.

What if they found out that I was bitten? So far, Daryl doesn't know, but that doesn't mean I won't slip up. What would they do with me if I tell them? Will they try to tear me up like my group before or throw me in the trash saying I'm too dangerous too keep around? I'm scared to find out either way. I have to be honest, but not at the moment. Things are too tense for me to throw the secret on them.

My thoughts were interrupted by Carol clearing her throat in the doorway. My head whipped in her direction to see her holding a pad of blankets and sheets. "Don't worry about how you look. You're beautiful and plus, it doesn't really matter anyway," she smiled as she lay the blankets on the bottom bunk.

I gave her the same expression and started to hand her the food I had on the bed. It wasn't much since it was only to feed one person rarely. I gave her a few packs of crackers, some can goods, energy bars, and bottles of water. I kept one bottle at my side since it was essential to keep yourself hydrated in this world.

She hesitantly took the food not knowing what to do about the quick deed. She wrapped her arms to carry the food like she was holding a baby. She must've had plenty of practice with Judith and might of before the outbreak.

One corner of my lip pulled up, but quickly rested once she looked at me with gratefulness in her eyes. "Thank you," she lightly chuckled. Carol hurried to bring the food to wherever the kept the rest and that was the last person I saw for a few hours.

I couldn't think as I sat down on the bed. I hung my head afraid of hitting it on the metal bar above me. I kept rubbing my forehead trying to get rid of the ache in my brain.

I know already one person in the group hates me. Rick may not hate me. He's just trying to protect his family and I get it, but he didn't have to lash out on me like that.

First of all, why did Daryl stick up for me so quickly? I barely knew him and the same for me. I know he said it was because he payed his debt towards me, but why do I feel that's not the only reason? Well, he still owes me for saving his ass. I count letting me stay here is payback for letting him stay at the warehouse.

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