||Chapter Twenty Eight||

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||Chapter Twenty Eight||

||Daryl's POV||

My heart hammered in my ears as I flipped the sheets back and forth thinking that Avery would just appear. She was gone. She's gone.

I don't know what possessed her to leave. Well, I was a jackass to her when I left, but I didn't think it would force her to go. At least not when the Governor was hunting our asses.

I searched the room for any evidence of where she could have went. I then saw her things still in the corner of the room. Her bow and arrows were gone, but her survival pack stayed there just the way it was like when I had walked in last. Why would she leave without all this? Unless, she just went outside and stayed inside the gates.

I hurried back outside with my hopes high. I looked on the front and back porch wishing to see a sign that she was near. All the places were empty of her presence. I fell to my knees and shook my head in my hands.

I had lost her. I had failed at my only job. The Governor took her and is going to abuse and use her without her say so. Because that is the type of person he is. Once he gets what he wants, he'll kill her or worse, just throw her out there alone with nothing to survive and no immunity left.

Tears started to form in my eyes. My chest ached as I took in ragged breathes between my whimpers.

I lost her.

||Avery's POV||

"We still gotta long drive before we get back to Woodbury," Martinez sighed,"About an hour left." I stared him down acting as if I had telekinesis to say that I wanted to get out. My hands were still tied behind my back as I breathed sharply through my nose.

"Look, I know that it's been hard for you and your redneck buddy and it's hard for us too..." Martinez continued, but I quickly a stopped him. "Hard for you?! HARD FOR YOU?! YOU LIVE IN A GODDAMN TOWN SURROUNDED BY HARMLESS PEOPLE AD NO TRACE OF THE OUTSIDE WORLD ON THE INSIDE! YOU HAVE FOOD, SHELTER, AND FUCKING SHOWERS AND YOU HAVE IT HARD!?" I breathed heavy hoping that the Governor didn't hear and come busting through the window to put my gag back on.

"Avery, do you know what we live with? I told you what the Governor does. He's not easy to live under," Martinez mumbled,"We have to follow his rules or there's no life. We can't leave or go somewhere without his goons following us. I mean, I know I'm one of them, but it's hard."

My heart twisted in all different directions making my pain all the more worse. "Just help me get out of here, Martinez, please," tears were starting to well up in my eyes as I whispered. He moistened his lips with his tongue and said,"I can't. If there's a possibility that we can extract a cure from you, I'm not gonna let that chance go by."

"You bastard!" I snarled thrashing against my bonds,"I told you what was gonna happen and you didn't listen to me!"

"How am I supposed to know you weren't lying? Nowadays, people are more dangerous than biters."

I stared him down,"That has never been more clear to me as it is right now."

Martinez stood up and started to fold my gag back that was in his hands. "I'm sorry I gotta do this to you, but it's for the greater good." Before I could snap at him again, he shoved the dirty rag back in my mouth.

||Daryl's POV||

My palm was sweating as I clutched the black leather wrapped around the wheel. I had one hand at twelve o'clock to steer and the other one was fumbling with a metal ball. My left foot tapped nervously against the floorboards. I was about an hour away if I'd speed like a demon like I have for the past thirty minutes.

It's not hard to believe that the Governor came all this way for Avery. Also, it's not hard to believe that I lost her. I still haven't told Rick even though the walkie talkie was just about a foot away in my bag. I slowed down the car a little and reached in the backseat until my hand latched around the plastic box.

I pressed the rubber button and mumbled,"Rick?" I waited a few seconds, but there was no answer. "Rick!" I repeated. There were a few more seconds of static. I was about to call again when I heard my name through the speaker. "What's wrong?" Rick asked.

He had every reason to be worried. Being called at midnight isn't really a good sign that I just wanna chat. "The Governor's got Avery," I sighed. I sat there in silence waiting for him to answer, but there was nothing.

"Daryl, I don't know what to say. Umm.... Just come to the prison. He won't bother us..." he sighed, but I quickly cut him off. "What? You put me through all this shit just so when the worst possibility happens you give up? If..... If we don't come back by the end of the week, dig two graves."

With that I let go of the button and didn't answer when he kept calling my name.

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