They heard a noise, turned around, and realized that Leyla and Mihriban had left them alone.   They just looked at each other and smiled shyly.  They sat and talked for a little while until Can noticed Sanem yawning.   He said, "I will leave now, but can I call you tomorrow?"   Sanem nodded yes, it was okay.  Then Can said, "I will not tell anyone, until you tell me it is okay.  Please think about it and let me know if I can be with you when you tell your parents.  When we were together, we were planning to get married.   Maybe they will not be so upset, if we tell them we are working on getting back together?"

Sanem smiled sadly saying, "I will think about it."  As she started to stand up, one of the babies kicked her; she reached for his hand and said, "Feel of this.   Either your son or one of your daughters is trying to tell you goodnight."  Can got tears in his eyes as he was feeling their babies kicking for the first time.   He had a really hard time telling Sanem goodnight and leaving.

He wanted to stay and hold her and protect her, but his Sanem has grown-up a lot in the last few months.  He needs to let her be in control, and show her the respect she deserves.   He just hopes she doesn't take too long to let him show her how much he loves and respects her for her decisions.

The next couple of weeks were very hard on Sanem worrying about telling her parents.   During this time she and Can had gotten closer, but Sanem was still being cautious.   She was very open with Can and very careful to not hide anything from him, because she did not want any repeats of the incident at the hut ever again.  He visited often and even asking if he could go to the next doctor's visit with her.  She agreed, and ask him if he could be with her when she told her parents.

It was a Friday night and Sanem had asked her parent's to come for a meal.  Can was there helping her cook, and trying to keep her calm.   She was very nervous, because at six months pregnant with triplets she was really showing.   She had on a very loose, flowing flowered dress with a long jacket.   It hid her pretty well, but was very obvious if anyone looked closely or hugged her close.   She had not seen her parents in months and was very scared.   Leyla was coming with their parents, and she was also scared of their reaction.

Can told Sanem, I want us to get married as we had already planned before the babies, but it will be your decision, as I know you have reservations.   I am going to tell your parents about my plans, but I will let you do the talking and step in if necessary.

When her parents and Leyla got out of the taxi and started toward them Sanem grabbed Can's hand for support.   Mevkibe took one look at Sanem and knew; she just stopped and didn't say a word.  Nihat just kept going toward Sanem and reached for her to hug.   Sanem kind of turned a little when he hugged her and stepped back.   He just kept saying how beautiful everything was and he was so happy to see his baby.   He shook hands with Can, and then turned to Mevkibe and said "Come see Sanem and Can, why are you standing there, come on say hello?"

Mevkibe just said, "Sanem when were you going to tell us.   I assume it's Can's, since he is standing with you?    Is this why you've stayed away from us?"   Leyla did not say a word and just stood beside her Anne, waiting.   Nihat said, "What's wrong with you, Mevkibe? Come on over."

Sanem reached and got her Baba's hand and said, "Baba I am so sorry to tell you, but I am six months pregnant with Can's babies."

Nobody said anything for a minute while they waited for his reaction.   Nihat just turned to Mevkibe and said, "We will be leaving now.   Please call the taxi back."   He and Mevkibe walked back toward the driveway, with their heads down and would not even acknowledge Sanem or Can.

Sanem ran after them, saying, "Please talk to me.   I am so sorry, it happened while we were engaged and getting married soon.  Please I need you, please don't leave."   She was crying the whole time.  Can spoke up and said, "I am planning on us getting married, as soon as Sanem agrees.   Please listen to her, she loves you so much."

Nihat turned to them and said coldly, "If you loved us you would have never brought this shame to our family.   Do not contact us again.   Sanem we are so ashamed of you."  Sanem was weeping so hard that she just sat down in the grass; Leyla went to her and held her.

Can said loudly, "If you won't listen to Sanem, you will listen to me.  We love each other very much and someday we will be married.   Sanem is pregnant with three babies, which are your grandchildren.  You should not be ashamed of her, you should be proud.  She and our babies survived a vicious attack.   She could have aborted them, knowing how you would feel, and we were having problems, but no she and our babies survived.   Yes, we should have waited, but we are young and in love.   Sometimes in life, young passion overrides adult common sense.   We are sorry for that and that alone.   We are proud of our babies, two girls and one boy, and I am proud of your daughter.   She did not go to the Malhalla to embarrass you in front of your neighbors, and they do not need to know when we are getting married.   If I have my way it will be before the babies are born, but it is your daughter's decision.   Please do not throw away your daughter and your three grandchildren because of stubborn pride.  Your daughter is the bravest person I know, and you should be proud instead of making her suffer.  This pregnancy is not easy for her and she needs you both."   He then turned to Sanem and picked her up in his arms, while she continued to cry.   He carried her to one of the outdoor chairs and sat her down.  He then got on his knees in front of her and held her while they both cried.

Leyla went over to them and ask Sanem, "Would it be okay if I move in with you?"  Sanem just nodded, Leyla turned to her parents and said, "I am going to stay here and help take care of Sanem.   I will come home later to pack up some clothes."

Sanem started saying to Can, "I am so sorry I wanted to be strong, but I couldn't stand to break their hearts, with my actions.   I love and respect my parents so much and I made them ashamed of me.   I love my babies, and I can't change what I have done."   Can replied, "We will be okay.   We've got each other and our babies.  Leyla, Mihriban, Baba, Emre, and our friends will be our family, we will be okay."

Nihat and Mevkibe just stood at the end of the drive waiting for the taxi.  They had heard everything that Can and Sanem had said.  They looked at each other, then slowly turned around and walked back.

When they were in front of Can and Sanem, they stopped.   Nihat said, "We are not happy that you are pregnant out of wedlock, but we listened to what you are saying, and we do love you.   I am sorry for my reaction, and if you will let us we would like to support you during this time."   Mevkibe said, "Yes, being pregnant with triplets is hard on you, and we do not want to cause you undo distress, or harm your health.    Please forgive us, we are old fashioned and it is hard for us to understand."

Sanem jumped up and grabbed both of her parents in a hug.   Leyla came and joined in, and Sanem reached for Can's hand.   Everyone was crying.  Then Nihat said, "Okay, is there food, after all these tears we need to eat and replenish."   Everyone laughed and walked toward the house, with Sanem's parents holding her hands.

While they were eating, they ask about the babies, check-ups, and when they were going to get married.   Can said, "Would it be okay with you, if we respectfully hold off on that conversation for just a little while?   I broke Sanem's trust of me, and I am working to rebuild that trust.   It will be Sanem's decision and I don't want to push her just now."   Sanem just looked at him with tears in her eyes and reached over and squeezed his hand.   Mevkibe and Nihat looked at each other and smiled, because it looked to them like that trust was rebuilding fast.

SANEM AND CAN:  OUR LIFE WILL NEVER BE BORINGWhere stories live. Discover now