RWBY Vol. 7 Part 1

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--Your POV--

Radio:Manta 5-1,welcome home Please continue your approach to Atlas docking bay,Omega-12

Everyone except me and RJN is at the cockpit. Waves of guilt and memories go through me as I remember the haunting sound of Gemini's gunshot...I killed mom...

Radio: A security team will meet you there,over.

Ruby:I don't understand. What's happening here? | Qrow:I don't know. | Jaune:But we are here. We got the lamp to Atlas,so,I guess we land and get some answers. | Weiss:I'm not so sure. | William:Same here. I've never seen our forces deployed so aggressively before. If we land in a stolen ship,there's no way the security team will let us anywhere near Ironwood. | Weiss:They might even take me back to my father.

Blake:So... | Weiss:Winter! | William:Oh! Winter! Put some distance between us and the fleet. | Maria:You don't have to tell me twice.

The engine roared,and the aircraft flew faster. Soon enough I can see the buildings as we get lower.

Broadcast:...cannot express our appreciation enough...

I stand up and look at the direction of the noise. It's Ironwood,but he got a beard now.

Ironwood:Many describe these as uncertain times,and while that may be the case for the rest of the world,I can tell you what is certain. The Kingdom of Atlas will remain strong,and it will remain safe. my promise.

Yang:General Ironwood...He looks... | Ruby:Tired.

Qrow:James,what have you been doing?

I look down and see Ironwood's tin cans patrolling the streets.

William:This isn't right. None of this is right. Damn it I'm so out of the loop,I should'a asked more questions when I was here

Radio:Manta 5-1, we've noticed a detour in your route. You are to make your way to docking bay Omega-12 immediately,do you copy? Over.

Maria:We're kind of running out of time here,kids. | Yang:We need to ditch the ship. | Qrow:Agreed. Get lost in Mantle and buy ourselves some time. | Weiss:I'm telling you,my sister can take us to Ironwood. | Blake:Uh,Weiss?

Weiss walked toward Blake and see what was happening.

Broadcast:A reminder.


That sounds like...Winter?

Winter:Failure to cooperate with Atlas military personnel is a punishable offense. If your sector is under lockdown...

William:Winter...? | Qrow:No offense,Redge...I'm not sure that's a good idea anymore. | Weiss:There's obviously something very wrong. If we can just talk to her,then we-- | Qrow:Look,I'm not even sure we should be talking to Ironwood until we know exactly what's going on with Mantle. | Yang:But--

Maria:Everyone,calm down. (sigh) I know someone who can help with both.

Radio:*angry* Manta 5-1,you are to make your-- | Maria:*turns off radio* Jeez,lady,take a hint.

Maria moved the ship lower until we hit the ground.

Ruby:Hey,I've noticed your aura. What's wrong,Y/n? | Y/n:Ruby...Thank you for your concern...But you have to wait until we're alone. It's a very...serious subject... | Ruby:Ok,hey,it's ok. (hugs you) You're going to be alright,ok? | Y/n:*weakly* Ok... (hugs back)

The ship lands,we head to the streets with me beside Ruby.

I simply changed my eyes into the normal brown color,so I don't give my identity away. I look to William,Jack,and Niko and see that their eyes have changed as well.

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