Rwby Vol. 8 Part 3

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--Y/n's POV--

After a rather rough ride through the pneumonic tube, we all arrived at the military base.

Nora: *being pulled by the ear from Weiss* Ow ow ow! C'mon, that was a once in a lifetime experience! (Weiss lets go, making a "thwip!" sound) Ow... | Blake: *gets out of the pneumonic tube* Good, because I'm never gonna do that again.

May: Alright Specialist, where do we go? | William: I only visited here every now and then, and I haven't got the layout to a T. Penny? Can you help us out? | Penny: *nods* ...we'll cross the bridge then go left, right, straight, right, straight, left, up, up, right, straight, right, right, straight, left, left. | Ruby: Heh! | May: Tch...

She activated her semblance and made a bubble around us, making the group invisible to anyone outside of said bubble. We follow Penny through the hallways and got into an elevator. On the way up, two guards entered and we squeezed in.

Guard1: They can't get close to that storm without getting shot right out of the air. | Guard2: It's creepy. All those Grimm just...waiting...worse if they then attacked. | Guard1: Hey, don't say that! You'll jinx us. (we went around the guards) | Guard2: I hope we can get an answer soon or... | Guard1: ...huh?!

Nora was giggling as we exited the elevator. I didn't question it as we were in front of our objective. Penny juts her pointer finger our and a little usb-like plug revealed itself.

Ruby: Cooool...!

Putting her finger into the security checkpoint console, Penny unlocked the door with the help of Pietro's credentials.

May: Alright, where to next, Robo Girl? | Penny: My name's Penny...and right through Central Command! (the door opens and reveals a pretty crowded area) | Weiss: Of course... | May: I can't maneuver through all that. | Penny: Do not worry! Ruby is capable of traveling at an extreme velocity from one point to another by breaking herself down to her molecular components, thus negating her mass, and then reassembling them at their destination, theoretically able to transport all of us in the same way, as mass no longer matters.

Ruby: I, buh, what? | Penny: You can use your semblance on all of us! (...ruby blinks) | Y/n: Did...? | Blake: Did Penny just figured that out before you did? | Ruby: Blake, she knew you were a Faunus before I did.

Speakers: *bing* A security threat has been detected in the compound. Status alert level 3, red. Lockdown initiated. Authorization granted to handle any threats with lethal force. | William: Shit, already got our trail. | Weiss: You got to be joking! | Penny: *her eyes shined a bit* The pneumatic tubes have been closed off. | Y/n: We're trapped...! | May: We passed the hanger, we can hijack an airship and get us off this floating rock. | William: Hold your horses, we can still pull this off. | Penny: Yes, we are so close! | Nora: Hm... (snaps her finger as she got an idea)

Since we're not in combat yet, William was able to make an invisibility rune around us as May and Nora head inside. A few seconds later, a scream full of rage came from inside before the two came back. One of the workers ran out of the Central Command area and Ruby grabbed all of us with her semblance, reaching the other side of the area without raising no suspicion whatsoever.

Blake: *sees her life flashing before her eyes* Another thing I don't want to do ever. again.

That was so coooooool!!!

Ahem, anyways, after walking along the bridge, we reached to what seemed to be an electrified door.

Penny: Stand back please. 

She turns off the electricity and opened the door, revealing a darkened room with no one inside.

William: *the lights turned back on* Strange...I expected there to be at least one or two personnel working here... | Ruby: Where is everyone? | Penny: This is a highly classified area.

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