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Trigger warning for this chapter,
This chapter has to do with overdose. Do not read if you think you will be triggered in anyway, i hope you enjoy this chapter.

Remi's pov:
5:00 AM
To whoever is reading this letter,
I feel worthless, empty, why did Jordan get all the girls? Am I really that ugly? I hate myself, I've always been so confident but I hate myself now. Maybe life would be better without me, it definitely would be better without me
Love, remi.
I then sprinted out of bed, grabbed the bottle of Benadryl from my nightstand and walked to the bathroom that was built inside my room, I looked at myself in the mirror & started to cry. I then dumped the whole bottle of pills in my hand, and then into my mouth. I started to fall asleep.
Loud footsteps came from the staircase, & then the bathroom door opened and a scream escaped from it
REMI?? What did you do?
Remi's mother tried to shake her but her eyes weren't opening, she quickly dialed 911 on her phone
911 what's your emergency?
My daughter has overdosed.
Alright, we are sending an ambulance on the way to your location now.
While her mother was crying she looked and saw a note crumpled up on the floor, she grabbed it and read it, she then started cry even more.
The paramedics rushed up to the room and took remi away to the hospital, her mother came with her in the ambulance, she was holding remi's hand while whispering into her ear
Remi, it's going to be okay, you will be okay, I'm praying for you right now, I love you baby, it's going to be okay.
Remi's mother took remi's phone out of her pocket and texted all of remi's contacts.
Hello, I'm remi's mother, she has overdosed, if you are close with her please make your way to the hospital, your support would really help. I'm sorry for bothering you.
And now she waits for the ride to be over.

Im sorry for another short chapter, I promise this next chapter is going to be really good & it will make up for these past 3 :))

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