Home Again

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    You stepped out of the carriage, gazing up at the magnificent castle before you. Hogwarts. You waited patiently with the other students, for the gates to be opened. You shifted your weight anxiously, standing on your tiptoes, trying to find the patch of taffy coloured hair you knew so well, but his curly head was no where to be found. You sighed, disappointed.

Cedric hadn't come to find you on the train and he'd barely written all summer. You were beginning to wonder if he was angry with you. It was so unlike him to ignore you, especially for such a long period of time. You bit your lip nervously, trying your best not to assume the worst.

Suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped themselves around your waist and hoisted you up upon their shoulders. You grinned, looking down, expecting to see your pale eyed best friend. But instead you were met by a tuft of fiery red hair. Fred. You sighed again, looking away.

"Aw! (Y/N/N)! Don't look so disappointed to see me! I know I'm not Pretty-Boy-Digg-" You cut him off, slapping your palm over his mouth. You scanned your surroundings, making sure no one had heard the loud-mouthed Weasley. He smirked into your hand, making you shake your head and roll your eyes in annoyance.

"Put me down," you demanded. He shrugged nonchalantly as he set you back on the ground, laughing as he did so. Before you could say anything else, he disappeared into the mass of students, most likely to find George. Fred Weasley was a year younger than you, but he had quickly become one of your closest friends, perhaps even your best friend. That is, after Cedric. Fred was the only one who knew about your crush on the charming Hufflepuff, and you were doing your best to keep it that way. You exhaled, lost in your own thought, only to be swept off your feet once again, only to find yourself resting on another pair of shoulders. You scoffed. "Fred! What the hell?! Put me down," you growled. A low chuckle echoed beneath you.

"Guess again (Y/N/N)!" You looked down in confusion, coming face to face with the boy you had been so desperately searching for. Cedric was smiling up at you, proudly. You beamed, laughing as you playfully kissed the top of his head. His hair smelled of honey. He chuckled again as he lowered you down, so that you were standing on your own two feet. "Did you miss me, (Y/N)?" He asked, looking down at you and wrapping you in a tight embrace.

"You better believe I did, Diggory," you smiled, glancing up at him. Cedric wasn't much taller than you, a few inches perhaps, but he seemed to tower over you when you stood side by side, which was by far your favourite place to be. He grinned, but it was short lived, as your face contorted into an irritated scowl, shooting him an angry glare.

"What's wrong? What happened?" He asked as you shook your head in disgust, turning way from him. How could he be so oblivious?

"You didn't write over the holiday! Not a single letter for the last three months! Not to mention that you didn't even bother to look for me on the train ride here," you replied coldly. His expression softened as he sent you a weary smile.

"I'm sorry (Y/N/N)! I really am! My dad kept me unbelievably busy over the summer! I wanted to write! I swear I did! But when I finally managed to get the time, I couldn't find the right words! As for the train, you know how it is between Hufflepuff and Slytherin. We have rules we have to play by. Your house's rules. As a matter of fact, we could get reprimanded right now if the wrong people are watching," he pointed out. He was right. You were a Slytherin and he was a Hufflepuff. There had always been an unspoken rule stating that Hufflepuffs and Slytherins were to have zero contact, whatsoever. You sighed.

"Then explain to me why you are talking to me now," you countered. He grinned again and this time you couldn't help but return the smile, it was contagious.

"I couldn't help myself! I had to see you! And give you this..." he whispered before pressing a piece of parchment into your palm and disappearing. You looked down at your hand and smiled, but before you could open it, the mob of students began pushing you towards the now open doors. Hogwarts greeted you, as you rushed to the Great Hall for the welcoming ceremony and the grand feast you know would be awaiting you. You were finally home again!

Too Shy To Tell You (Cedric Diggory x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now