Chapter 4

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"What's wrong?" Mel asked worried.
Morgana looked confused at the other. "N-nothing." she muttered under her breath petting Oisín's head gently. "I know there's something bothering you." Mel insisted. "But it's fine if you don't wanna talk about it." she added feeling bad for sounding rude. "It's ok. I went riding two days ago and met a strange woman. She said she was my sister." Morgana opened up. "You should talk to Uther." Mel suggested. "No. If he finds out he'll hunt her down and kill her. I'm telling you about this, because I know I can trust you. We must go and meet this woman again." Morgana said.

Mel and Melissa rode off into the night. Melissa trusted Morgana, but she couldn't help feeling like something was wrong. They rode for a while, before Morgana said they arrived." Good to see you, sister." that voice said surprising Melissa. "I see you didn't come alone. It's the same fool I lured out of here with a puppy." she said. "Hey, don't talk like that about her!" Morgana snapped. "What do you want, then?" Morgause asked. "I want to know more about you and how you are my sister." Morgana said curious. "Of course. Sir Gorlois was my father, not your's. Uther Pendragon is. That makes you my half-sister, Morgana Pendragon." Morgause said, then disappeared.
Morgana learned information she didn't want to know. She felt like she was about to faint, but luckily, Mel was there to catch her.

" So, this puppy was supposed to lure me away from you? "Mel said hugging Oisín." It worked" Morgana said looking at them both. "Thank you for taking my defense. It was really sweet." Mel continued. "But, I was wondering, is it true?" Morgana looked confused. "Is Uther your father?" Mel made herself clear. "I don't know..." Morgana replied softly. "Can I have a hug?" the dark haired girl said. Melissa reached for her and pulled her into a comforting hug. Oisín joined as well, licking Morgana's nose. "Thank you so much for being here." Morgana said. "Anything for you, milady".

The next morning was another round of the tournament. Morgana woke up with Oisín sleeping on her. "Ush, you are getting heavy. Where's your other mommy?" she said playing with his floppy ears. Morgana didn't think anything was weird yet. She usually was waking up to the sound of Melissa entering her room, but not today. She got dressed on her own and went to see Arthur. " I was wondering where you were, Morgana." she heard The King say. "Yes, I apologize. I didn't wake up early today." Morgana replied. "Anyway, have you seen Arthur?". The King looked at her confused, but didn't ask any questions. "Yes, he is at the training grounds with Merlin and The Knights." Morgana stormed off. She saw them training for the tournament. "Look who finally went out of her room!" Arthur joked. "Have you seen Melissa?" Morgana asked straight away. "No. She your maid." Arthur replied. Before she could leave, she was pulled aside by Sir Winn. "I saw her wondering into the forest. It was very dark and late. She had a hood on, but I know it was her, cause she left your chambers." he said. "Thank you, Winn." Morgana said running to the forest as fast as she could. She was forgetting about one thing. The tournament.

She found herself into the dark forest. The trees were tall and didn't let light get through well, but she knew the place. She used to play around with Mel here. "Hi, sister." she suddenly heard Morgause's voice say from behind her. "What did you do with her?" Morgana asked impatient. "I'm sorry, I don't understand." Morgause said playing foolish. "I know you took Melissa away. What did you do?". Morgause looked down, defeated. "I told you you must not compete in the tournament. The only way I could make you forget it, was by sending you on a quest. If you ever want to see her again, forget about the tournament." Morgana listened closely to what she had to do to bring Melissa back. She couldn't even imagine a world without her. She had to get her back, but her wanted to go to the tournament as well. She could do both." How did you know I'd give the tournament up for Mel?" Morgana asked. "My dear, it's obvious how much you care for her." Morgause said and dissappeared without a trace. Morgana returned to the castle, changed into more fitting clothes and got some armour on, prepared herself her lost trusted stallion and rode off into the woods. She had to find a tower. She knew it wouldn't be easy, but she only wanted to get Melissa back.

After hours of riding, she finally saw it. A big stone tower. It had no entrance, no stairs and no ladder. She could see a window at the very top and she was sure Melissa was up there, so she started climbing. It was hard, but she could do it, but nothing was as easy at it seemed. Giant spiders came out of nowhere. Scared, Morgana climbed as fast as she could and she reached the window just in time. The spiders were locked away. She felt safe. She slowly turned around and saw Melissa. She was tied up and something kept her from speaking. " What took you so long?" was the first thing Mel said hugging the other tightly. "We should get out of here. I hope you know how." Morgana said looking at her happy. She might have lost the tournament, but she won what was most important to her. "I am not good at climbing." Mel said getting Morgana's attention, who rolled her eyes. "I'm scared..." she added. "Hop on my back. I'll get us out of here." Morgana suggested. She was stronger than Mel thought, being able to climb down with her on her back. "Thank you so much." the blonde said.
Morgana led her to the horse, and because there was only one, they rode together. "Have I mentioned how worried I was?" Morgana said feeling Mel's grip around her waist. "I am sorry. I don't know how I ended up there. How are you now?" the other replied. "I'm happy I got you back." As soon as Morgana said that she felt Mel hugging her. She couldn't help but smile.

As they walked back into Camelot, they heard swords crashing against eachother. The tournament. "Let's get you ready." Mel said dressing Morgana. She rushed and she was right on time. "Sir Osvald, I thought you wouldn't come." said Arthur seeing her. Morgana didn't stop to reply, but she rushed into the arena and fought against a knight. This battle was harder, but she won.

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