"Remember when I broke up with you? Well, the reason was my dad was finally going to hand the family business to me."

He paused and looked at me with an unamused smirk.

"I was really ecstatic and I knew that I couldn't have you distract me from it. So, I had to break up with you."

My glare was so strong, it could drill a hole into his handsome face.

"Unfortunately, mom and dad are getting hesitant to give me full responsibility due to me spending the money 'unwisely'."

"So, they told me that if I could get you to marry me, they would finally give me full responsibility over the company."

"I'm guessing that's the catch already?" I started crossing my arms.

"Bingo." He pointed. "No woman loves me more than you do, Dee. I can still hear those voice messages you left me. How desperate you were for me to take you back. Well, I'm here now."

My eye twitched at him in annoyance.

"No, Ivan. I'm not taking part in your stupid game."

"And why's that?"

I gulped, trying to figure out how I'm gonna tell him that I'm married.

Oh fuck it, I'm doing this.

"I'm already married." I blurted out, flashing him my gold wedding ring.

His smirk dropped and he took powerful steps towards me.

"I don't believe you." He growled.

"Well, you should." I shrugged. "You're not part of the picture anymore."

"What does he have that I don't? A dick that's two sizes bigger? Balls that are so huge that they drag across the concrete?"

That snapped the last twig in me.

I didn't know what I was thinking but I definitely slapped him hard across his pretty face. I swear, I heard his jaw crack.

"Don't you ever disrespect my husband ever again! He's a better person than you'll ever become!" I exclaimed. "You are not welcome in this company ever again! I'll have you put in the black list."

I immediately pressed on my intercom. "Security here in my office right now!"

"You think I'm afraid of you, you little bitch? Don't you remember? My father's company is the largest investor of your company. If I told him what you did to me, I will have him break his ties with you."

My eyes widened. "But...that means..."

"You'll go bankrupt." He smirked.

I glared at him, "I can't marry you, Ivan! I just realized that I don't love you anymore! This is the reason why we always fought! You're such a fucking control freak! You corner me between a choice that I don't want!"

"You know that one day, you'll come crawling back to me. Where you know you're the safest. No one knows you better than I do, Desiree. You know that." He smirked. "I'll let the opportunity stand. I'll wait for your final decision."

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