"I smell something fishy, has he asked for a bj already?"

"No, c'mon girl," I answered, irritated by her question. I could not imagine doing that.

"But, I've been blow-jobbing my job, that's if there is anything like that," I added, remembering the incident this morning.

"How cupcake?" My heart melted at her use of pet name, while I picked my towel from the floor.

I sighed and ran my tongue down my lower lips remembering my boss's irritated expression. "I spilt coffee on his friend, I'm really messing up."

"Don't worry boo, I'm sure everything will be ok," She cooed, her tone filled with assurance.

"Will you be in the club today?"

"Yes, why?"

"I might come over, I'm free for the day, plus I think dancing will take my mind off everything," I said, running my hands down my face.

"Ok love, send my regards to Natalie, I will be expecting you." She hung up and I rose from my position on my bed.


I walked into the less crowded club, headed for the dressing room where I knew Monica was when I heard my name.

"Hey Grace." I turned and saw Tracy standing at the front of the bar. She waved me forward with a smile that lit up her honey brown eyes.

Tracy was one of the best strippers in Diva, she saw dancing as a professional job, dancing in different high-class clubs, and making it big but she never left Diva.

She was asked once on her reason for still dancing in Diva and her response was:

"Always remember your home, don't forget where you start from. Diva is my home and you girls are like my village people."

I walked into her outstretched hands with a smile.

"You look good boo, I heard you got a new job?" She said, releasing me from the tight hug.

"Yeah." I took the stool beside her.

"Well congrats babe." she stretched out her hands which I took with a grin.

"Are you performing tonight?"

"Yeah, Sisi called said she has a special client coming in."

Sisi was the owner of the club, an elder lady with a taste for fashion and of course money.

"She actually wants me to dance in the inner room, but I can't cause I have this special performance at Spring Tonight."

"I wanted to ask Jennifer to take my place, but since you are here, you can take my spot," She offered, running her hands on her faded jean trouser.

"That's if you want," She added, with uncertainty in her voice.

"Of course, I wanted to ask Sisi's permission to perform there tonight."

"Don't worry, I will inform her," she said, her voice now holding the confidence it once had.

She took out her phone from her black leather bag. "You will be dancing dangerous woman by Ariana, and its a spotlight dance."

"I understand how it works, don't worry." The spotlight dance involved, the dancer not seeing her audience but being the full focus.

"Thanks love, go get ready I think Monica is in the dressing room."

I nodded and stood, heading towards the dressing room with my green leather bag containing my make up contents.


Loving A Stripper (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now