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Please re-read for a better story haha

Indecent Seduction

Chapter One

The scarf that wrapped around your neck and face was itchy and uncomfortable. Your slender fingers reached up to relive the tingles left on your neck from the scratchy fabric. Underneath you felt nervous; nervous because you sat in front of the principal of U.A., while also sitting beside your Aunt and Pro-Hero Midnight. Because your quirk was unique, it requires special consideration when enrolling you into the prestigious high school.

"Her grades are excellent, her record perfect, I don't see why she would not be allowed to study here."

"We can perhaps find a general studies path for her, but no student starts this late in their hero course!"

"She was in a hero course at her old school. They just weren't what she needed. Her parents sent her to me in hopes our school will be able to help."

"My only concern is the reactions of the students. This quirk is not entirely appropriate, at this age level. It will require an intense amount of control from both parties," Nezu speaks, his eyes twinkling mischievously.

You remained quiet, allowing your aunt to speak for you.

"With all due respect Principal Nezu, but I remember hearing those exact words when I first applied to U.A. We can talk to support class. We can conceal—"

"Do you expect her to cover her face throughout her whole studies? It'll be too big of a distraction," the rodent replies with concern.

Midnight frowns, glancing at you before standing to her full height. "If that needs to be done then so be it! Everyone should have equal opportunity in becoming a hero," she says with determination.

Nezu's nose twitches before turning to stare at you. "What do you have to say (Y/N)? Would you be willing to conceal yourself during your studies?"

You felt yourself freeze, the attention now being on you. The scarf around your face was uncomfortable, but if it meant being a student at U.A. then it was worth it.

"I will try anything to be a student here," your voice rings out, sounding like a musical harp strummed by an angel itself.

Since Nezu was, not human, he was not affected by your seductive quirk.

"Right, then we will do our best to create a safe and comfortable environment for you Ms. Kayama."

And that was it. You transferred to U.A., assigned to Class 3-A, your teacher being Shota Aizawa, also known as Eraserhead. At your last school, they did not have the means to help you control your quirk, hence why your parents sent you to live with your Aunt. This Eraserhead teacher had an erasure quirk that would be able to help you, so what happened at your last school, won't happen again.

They had concluded that if anyone could step in if your quirk got out of control it would be him.

You just hope he could handle you.


The tired-looking teacher stared down at the file that displayed your name. The start of the new year meant new challenges for the next generation of heroes. It was his job not only to produce quality pro-heroes but also to model students. After looking over your folder, he wasn't sure about this one.

"Her quirk is called Aphrodite, what the heck does that mean?" He says out loud to his friend Present Mic, who lounged in one of Aizawa's student chairs.

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