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Indecent Seduction
Chapter 16

The next day, you reluctantly went to school. You hoped Aizawa and Hizashi wouldn't make it too awkward, and you wished you had a friend who you could confide in.

Toshi had texted you that morning, but you doubted he'd want to hear about your drama with your teachers. You hadn't even told him you were still a student, you didn't want him to think you were a child, even if you were eighteen.

I hope you have a wonderful day.

It was such a simple message, but it made you smile.

Thanks, I hope you do as well.

You and Toshi continued to text throughout the morning, talking about favorite breakfast foods and movies. You maneuvered through the hall while engrossed in your phone, skillfully avoiding any students.

If you like action movies, I heard the new Die Softly is good. Would you like to go with me?

The question stopped you in your tracks, causing the student behind you to plow right into your back. The phone in your hands flew a few feet away, sliding to a halt across the floor. Your eyes widened as you turned to excuse yourself from your classmate.

"I'm sorry," you say but the girl could only sneer at you before storming off.

You bit your tongue from the remark that wanted to push through your teeth. Turning back to find your phone, you stood there in horror as Mr. Aizawa himself was standing above your phone, looking down at it with a scowl.

Scrambling to him, you quickly reached down and snatched your phone. Fuck, it had been facing up, and he saw Toshi's messages.

His scorching glare was enough to make you want to run for the hills. "Ms. Kayama," his guttural voice rumbled above you.

"H-hi Mr. Aizawa," you blushed deeply, hoping he wouldn't say anything.

"I expect you to pay more attention in our training session this afternoon, than you do walking in the hallway," he thundered, his hands stuffed into his pockets.

You gulped down saliva that collected in the back of your throat. "Are we doing that today?"

His eyes flashed dangerously. "Why? Do you have plans or something?" he asked accusingly. So he did see...

You need to stand your ground, he may be your teacher, but it's clear that you guys have passed some sort of line.

"Even if I did, it wouldn't be your concern," you shot back confidently.

"On the contrary," he snapped, taking a step closer to you. "Until you graduate, you are my business. I won't have you dismiss our training to go hang out with some boy."

You bit your lip, crossing your arms tightly. "I'll be at the training, sir," you said almost too spitefully.

You tried to walk past him, but he moved slightly, so he would bump into your side. He leaned down to whisper in your ear, "I hope you're prepared for what's to come."

Shivers ran down your body at what he could mean. Was Present Mic going to be there? Was this the training where they were going to tag team you?

Just the thought of being pressed between both of them made your belly squirm and your heart race. You wanted to see more of him, but with your arousal rising, it was beginning to get dangerous; especially in the hall for students.

Instead of responding, you quickly took off down the hall, heading to your first-period class. Once you were safely seated at your desk, you pulled your phone back out.

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