Ch. 13 - A few weeks later...

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A few weeks later...

You gently eased the classroom door open, entering Ms. Lipson's room with a practiced silence. The faintly humming fluorescent lights cast a warm glow over the aged wooden desks and chalk-smeared blackboard. Lindsay, her figure framed by the sunlight streaming through the blinds, was deeply engrossed in her work. Her fingers danced across the keyboard, lost in a rhythm of their own, the delicate click-clack a quiet symphony in the room. You observed her for a moment, an affectionate smirk playing on your lips, amused that she had not noticed your arrival.

"Afternoon Lindsay," you announced, your voice a soothing murmur, soft enough to maintain the room's tranquility but resonant enough to reach her ears.

Her fingers halted mid-motion, and her head snapped up to look at you, her eyes wide with a surprise for an instant before transforming into a warm and welcoming smile. "Hey, sweetie, close the door, give me a second to finish what I'm doing then we can talk," she replied, her tone both cheerful and comforting, as she turned back to the computer, her fingers resuming their dance over the keys.

You responded with a simple nod, fully understanding her need for concentration. The door closed with a gentle click, sealing you both into the familiar room filled with shared memories. You proceeded further inside, your footsteps nearly inaudible on the well-trodden floor, and chose a spot on one of the tables to sit. Your backpack found its place beside you, its contents settling with a soft rustle.

"I wasn't expecting you to come by until later," Lindsay remarked, her voice filled with genuine curiosity as she rose from her seat. Her heels made a gentle tap-tap as she made her way over to you, her eyes sparkling with affection.

"I finished what I was working on early, so I decided to pay you a visit," you explained, your voice barely above a whisper. Your hand reached out to lightly caress her cheek, feeling the warmth and the slight texture of her skin as she instinctively leaned into your touch, her eyelids fluttering closed momentarily.

"Do you know how Dawn is doing?" you asked, concern lacing your voice, before leaning in to kiss her tenderly, your lips meeting in a familiar dance of intimacy and longing.

Lindsay kissed you back with equal passion, her arms finding their way around your neck, pulling you closer. "She's doing better, she stops by my room now and then and so does her daughter. Oh, Katharine wants to see you so you should probably stop by and see her later," she informed you, her voice soft and melodic, punctuated with gentle kisses down your neck as you tilted your head, granting her easier access.

"That's good to hear, and what's Katharine want with me?" you inquired, your hands settling on Lindsay's waist, feeling the gentle curves beneath the fabric of her dress.

"Not sure, she just told me if I saw you today to have you stop by her classroom," Lindsay answered, looking into your eyes, her gaze filled with a mixture of curiosity and contentment.

"I'll pay her a visit later, right now you have my full attention," you declared, the intensity of your words mirrored in Lindsay's eyes as a knowing smirk spread across her face. Her hands found your shoulders, pushing you playfully backward onto the table, her body following to press against yours.

The classroom, filled with the scent of old books and lingering chalk dust, became a world unto itself, where the connection between you and Lindsay was the only thing that mattered. The desks and chairs stood as silent witnesses to a relationship that had blossomed within these walls, a bond that had grown and strengthened over time. The gentle caresses and whispered promises transcended the ordinary, reaching into a realm where love and longing knew no bounds.

"Good," Lindsay muttered as she teasingly nibbled on your ear while massaging your breast.

You bite the inside of your cheek to suppress a moan due to being in a school. "We shouldn't do this here," You mutter as you feel her slide her other hand into your pants.

From Student to Friend?: Four Years Beyond Highschool - The Unfinished LessonsWhere stories live. Discover now