Ch. 12 - Lindsay's Return

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As Lindsay made her way back to Y/N's house, her heart raced with a mix of excitement and anticipation. Each step she took seemed to echo the rhythm of the emotions swirling within her. The kiss she had just shared with Dawn had opened a door to a world of possibilities, and Lindsay was ready to explore every avenue of this newfound connection.

Upon arriving at her own house, Lindsay moved with a sense of purpose. She changed into fresh clothes, her mind replaying the tender moments she had shared with Dawn. The touch of their lips, the warmth of their gazes – it was all etched into her memory, a memory she knew would stay with her for a lifetime.

As she gathered a few personal items, Lindsay couldn't help but smile at the thought of returning to Y/N's house. The idea of spending more time with Y/N and Dawn filled her with a sense of joy that she hadn't felt in a long time.

With her bag in hand, Lindsay made her way back to Y/N's house. The journey seemed to pass in a blur, her thoughts consumed by the women who had captured her heart. When she arrived at the doorstep, she took a deep breath, a mixture of nervousness and excitement settling in her chest.

Dawn greeted her with a warm smile, her eyes lighting up as she saw Lindsay. The connection between them was undeniable, a magnetic pull that seemed to draw them closer with every passing moment.

"You're back," Dawn said, her voice soft and welcoming.

Lindsay returned the smile, her heart fluttering at the sight of Dawn. "I am."

Dawn stepped aside to let Lindsay in, the air around them charged with an unspoken understanding. As the door closed behind them, Lindsay felt a sense of calm wash over her – a calm that only Y/N's presence could bring her. She felt the same sense of calm wash over her being near Dawn.

"I hope you found everything you needed," Dawn said, her gaze lingering on Lindsay.

Lindsay nodded, her fingers playing with the strap of her bag. "Yes, I did. You really don't think Y/N would mind me staying?"

"No, I don't mind. In fact, I'm glad Dawn got you to come back," Y/N's groggy voice chimed in as she approached Dawn from behind and hugged her. Y/N was using Dawn mostly as a way to keep herself upright as she was still tired.

Lindsay couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of you two and found it adorable. "Y/N, why don't you lay back down and get some more sleep? Dawn and I will be here when you wake up," Lindsay spoke in a soft voice as Dawn guided you back to the couch. Lindsay followed you two, eventually placing her bag on the floor.

The atmosphere was filled with a mixture of warmth and contentment as the three of them settled in the living room. The promise of a new day, new connections, and new possibilities hung in the air, painting a picture of a journey filled with hope and discovery.

As Y/N settled back onto the couch, Dawn tucked a blanket around her, ensuring she was comfortable. Y/N's eyes were heavy with sleep, and she offered a sleepy smile to both Lindsay and Dawn.

"Thanks for looking out for me," Y/N mumbled, her words laced with a yawn.

Lindsay smiled warmly, her heart melting at the sight of Y/N's drowsy but appreciative expression. "Of course, Y/N. You rest up, and when you wake up, we'll be here."

Dawn's fingers brushed through Y/N's hair affectionately. "Sleep well, sweetheart. We'll be right here if you need anything."

Y/N's eyelids were already drooping, and she nodded sleepily before letting herself succumb to sleep once again. The room was filled with a sense of tranquility as Y/N's breathing evened out, her features softening in slumber.

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