Ch. 1 - Ms. Smith

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After your triumphant high school graduation, the expanse of time between then and now seemed to have distanced you from the once-familiar faces that had left a lasting impression on your life. The close connections you had formed with your favorite teachers had gradually faded, replaced by the hustle and bustle of life beyond those hallways. A bittersweet pang of nostalgia struck you as you realized how much you missed the conversations, the guidance, and the camaraderie that had defined those formative years.

But in the recesses of your heart, you were determined to bridge that gap. One day, propelled by a surge of longing, you embarked on a mission to reunite with those who had played a significant role in shaping your journey. The teachers you held secret crushes on held a special place in your thoughts, and you set your sights on rekindling those connections.

As the digital world effortlessly connected you to the past, you typed out emails to the chosen few. Your heart raced with excitement and vulnerability as you hit send, sharing your desire to reestablish contact and reminisce about the times that had shaped you. Days passed, each marked by a palpable anticipation, until the tide of responses began to roll in. The familiar names appeared in your inbox, and their words were like a bridge across time, rekindling the warmth of the relationships you had missed.

A surprise awaited you within their responses. Not only did they reply, but they also shared their schedules, a gesture that made your heart skip a beat. The possibility of reconnecting in person lit a fire within you, and you eagerly planned to visit them individually.

A week later, fueled by a mixture of excitement and nervousness, you stood before the familiar gates of your former high school. The morning sun cast a warm embrace on the grounds that had witnessed your transformation. Armed with determination, you requested a visitation pass from the school office. The process of filling out forms was a small price to pay for the opportunity that lay ahead.

With the precious pass in hand, you navigated the hallways like a time traveler, each step a reminder of the memories you had crafted within those walls. Your heart swelled as you looked over the list of teachers you had carefully curated. Among them, Dawn Smith stood out. Your former Spanish teacher had kindled a passion for the language within you, and her presence in your journey was unforgettable. As fate would have it, her schedule was free during your visit.

The air in the hallway held a mixture of familiarity and change. The closed doors, once a gateway to knowledge, now housed the sounds of students engrossed in their own lessons. A smile graced your lips as you walked, each step a trip down memory lane.

You stood before the half-open door of Ms. Smith's classroom, a surge of nostalgia washing over you. However, a sound from within pierced the air—a soft weeping that tugged at your heartstrings. Your brows furrowed, and you pushed the door open with the gentlest of nudges. The scene before you was a stark contrast to the memories you held. Ms. Smith, once a pillar of strength, was now crumbled in her own vulnerability.

Your presence, however subtle, did not escape her notice. She looked up, and your eyes locked, her tear-stained gaze meeting yours. A flicker of surprise crossed her face, mingled with vulnerability. In the language that had once been your shared conduit, she greeted you, "Holá Annamaria, ¿cómo estás?"

"Holá Señorita Smith, ¿estoy bien y tú mismo?" you responded, moving toward her desk. Your familiarity with Spanish bridged the gap, creating a comfortable space for her to open up.

The room seemed to contract as you settled into the chair beside her. As you set your bag down, you caught a fleeting glimpse of her phone being tucked away and her face being hastily wiped. The facade was evident, and your curiosity was piqued. But for now, you allowed the conversation to flow.

From Student to Friend?: Four Years Beyond Highschool - The Unfinished LessonsWhere stories live. Discover now