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(I noticed I didn't really mention this before but I'd like to thank all those who follow and vote/comment for this story! It's really nice to actually get some positive feedback so thank you.)


The remainder of class went by very slowly and, aside from the occasional look from either Mr. Taylor or that dwarf's son, it remained uneventful.

Logan still felt the searing remnants of anger thrumming through his nerves but refused to show it, carefully constructing his face into cool disinterest. Anger, when let loose recklessly, would only hurt him in the end.

Virgil had remained worryingly silent after his initial outburst, his face hidden behind his flipped hood. Logan didn't try to talk to him. He knew his...friend just needed some space (deep in his heart, Logan knew Virgil was a lot more than a friend at this point but he payed it no notice). The bell rang.

"Class dismissed. You two, stay behind!" Mr, Taylor spoke up sharply, giving them a stern glare.

Logan barely held back a sneer at the reminder. The dwarf kid, Toby if the name on the backpack was any hint, smiled triumphantly as he passed and subtly kicked Virgil's desk.

"I hope you get expelled. You two don't even belong here." Toby hissed.

"I'm guessing you're Grumpy's kid, correct? It would explain your sheer sense of stupidity." Logan shot back.
Virgil snorted quietly beside him, hiding his smile behind his hand.

"That's enough, Toby. Get to lunch, let me deal with these two." Mr. Taylor cut in, shooing the boy out.

Both Logan and Virgil tensed when the door clicked shut behind him, leaving them alone with the teacher. Suddenly the lack of his daggers seemed to weigh down heavily in his mind. Perhaps it was a good thing they were confiscated. It'd be best to avoid getting sent back to the Isle on an account of murder, after all. Auradon's moral system was really starting to grate on Logan's self-restraint.

"You know, I have never once questioned Prince Patton's decisions. Never doubted his choices as both my student and my future king but even I can't understand why he'd invite our sworn enemies right into the heart of kingdom! Whatever you two are up to, I swear-"

"And what, sir, do you think we're 'up to'? In fact the more obvious question is why you think we must have an ulterior motive for coming to Auradon in the first place! And may I remind you, Virgil and I have done nothing against Auradon that warrants suspicion." Logan ground out, frustrated.

"Do not speak to me that way young man!" Mr. Taylor thundered, stalking forward.

Virgil shrunk back subconsciously, hand reaching out to grip tightly at Logan's under the desk. He griped back tightly, letting the comforting warmth ground him.

"You may be right, you two may not have done anything but if you think for one moment I'd ever trust the spawn of Maleficent and the Evil Queen you are severely mistaken! I will not let you harm my country with your vile intentions and evil thoughts!" The teacher spat, now looming over their desk.

Logan felt something roar within him. Memories of long nights locked up in his lab to avoid his mother's snide remarks over his faults and of pouring over smuggled history books to practically worship the heroes they told him about suddenly sprang up. Back then, when he was still just a foolish child, he had always hoped to be rescued by those heroes. To be taken away from that lonely castle filled with verbal abuse and shadowed stone halls and given a happily ever after like the storied told him about. But he'd been stupid, and seeing now how truly disappointing these so called heroes were only enraged him further. These were the same people who threw him away, who abandoned him and Virgil to a life of cruelty and they had the utter gall to scorn him?

"FALSEHOOD! From what I've seen your country doesn't need our presence to be evil or vile, you blundering arrogant old-"


Logan grunted, head snapping back as his cheek flared with pain.

"Logan!" Virgil cried out hoarsely, eyes wide in panic. Mr. Taylor panted heavily, eyes wild as he stared down at them in a blind hatred Logan had only seen in the most insane of villains back on the Isle. Staring at him now, seeing the rabid fury and having no weapons to defend himself, Logan couldn't help but feel just the tiniest bit afraid. Suddenly the door slammed open and a very familiar voice screamed out in anger.



Patton couldn't believe what he had just seen. When class had ended, he and Roman had packed up their stuff and said a brief goodbye to Amir before hurrying down the halls towards Mr. Taylor's classroom.

He had originally been planning to talk to his teacher, sure that there must have been some kind of misunderstanding. That had changed when they'd seen their teacher hit Logan through the class door's window.

Mr. Taylor, for his part, froze in complete shock after Patton's yell and stared dumbly at both him and Roman. "P-Patton? Roman? What are you...why are you here?" He stuttered out, lowering his still raised hand quickly.

Patton didn't answer, instead scanning the panicked form of Virgil and hunched figure of Logan. This was his fault. He should have known not everyone would agree with his decision to let them attend Auradon Prep. But to go this far...

Guilt and pain clenched tightly at Patton's heart, his throat tightened. He had to fix this.

"Roman, go get Thomas." He whispered.

Roman hesitated, wide eyes flicking from him to Logan and then back again.

"Roman! Please go get Thomas!"

It only took one more push and Roman was dashing out the door, leaving Patton alone with the other three. The young prince breathed in deeply to calm his nerves as he stared at his once beloved teacher. "I hope, for your sake, you have a very good explanation for all of this."

(Whew, another chapter done and dusted. This was fun to write though I apologize if Patton was a little OOC. I believe that when he is faced with such a serious situation, he'd go into 'ruler mode' as he's probably been raised to act like that for most of his life. It's also my first day of online schooling right now so I'm not sure how hectic my schedule will be in the future because of that but I'm pretty sure I'll still be able to post like normal. I hope you guys enjoy the chapter!

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