The Fancy Black Limo

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The market was busy, even during a storm. Villains and henchmen alike sneered from behind stalls and haggled for higher prices for their wares. Logan strode ahead of Virgil, his immense height acting as a natural buffer against the crowd.

Not that anyone would want to mess with the son of the Evil Queen.

"Yo, Grimhilde! What're ya doin' showin' yer face round here? Yer not welcome—Uma's orders." A burly kid shouted up from near Ursula's Slop Shack.

Virgil blinked; almost everyone. Apparently this kid had death wish.

What had Logan done to get kicked out of Uma's turf? More importantly, who the heck thought talking back to Logan Grimhilde was a good idea? The people around him perked up at the sight of trouble brewing, subtlety stealing glances between Logan and the brute.

Logan didn't stop walking, blowing right past the boy without a single glance. The boy gaped after the alchemist in surprise—not used to being ignored apparently.

Before he could stop himself, a chuckle bubbled past Virgil's lips. Many around him jumped back, eyes wide as they realized just who was hidden amongst them. The Evil Queen may have a good reputation, but Virgil's mother was still the queen of this Isle. The evilest of them all.

The boy turned his attention to Virgil, scowling darkly as he saw who it was. He opened his mouth to speak but another voice beat him to it.

"Well, well, well! Look who we have here! Virgil, delightful to see ya! You look dreadful as always, did mommy kick you out again?" Harry Hook taunted while strolling dramatically out of the Slop Shop's swinging doors.

Virgil stopped chuckling, forcing a cool smile at the sight of the pirate.

"I wouldn't talk about Maleficent that way if I were you, Hook. Don't want anything to happen to you after all." He said coldly.

A little boy to the right of him, one of Claude Frollo's children if the crude wooden rosary clutched in his chubby hand was any notice, shrank back in fright at Virgil's tone. Harry seemed unperturbed.

"Uma's gonna have a blast hearing you're in her turf. With Queenie's little prodigy no less! Hey Logan, how is the Evil Queen? Still banished by—who was it again? Ah yes, dear Virgil's own mummy. That's gotta hurt."

Logan had stopped walking when he noticed Virgil wasn't following, opting instead to wait by a nearby junk stall. He didn't react to Harry's taunts, icy blue eyes scanning the pirate like one of his experiments. It was a terrifying stare.

Suddenly Logan's eyes widened in surprise (not an easy feet) and he straightened up in alarm. Virgil only knew one person who could do that to the alchemist; his mother.

Harry remained oblivious to the frightened murmurs around him,"I wonder what Maleficent would think right now, seeing her own son conversing with a Grimh-," a grimy hand snaked around Harry's neck and pressed a curved blade at the soft underside of his chin.

"I think you should control your tongue boy, lest I let my henchman cut it off!" Maleficent drawled out from behind him.

Harry trembled in terror, eyes staring at Virgil frantically but Virgil didn't move to help the pirate. It was Hook's own fault for dishonoring his mothers name in a public area.

The henchman waited a few seconds for Maleficent's cue before releasing Harry. He stumbled a bit before sprinting off in terror.

Virgil sighed, if only he could scare people as easily as his mother did. At least then he wouldn't have to talk to anybody.

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