Blood and Kisses

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Deceit's hands shook in exhaustion as he inserted another pin into the door. It was so rusted it broke, one half stuck inside the lock.

He grit his teeth irritation, jamming the other half into the ground below him.

"How the hell do you expect me to work with this crap!" He growled, shooting a tired glare to where Uma was standing.

Besides her, Remus was tied up and lying on the ground with Hook standing over him. Uma simply shrugged.

"It's the Isle, what'd you expect? Plus I'm sure you'll find a way, we have plenty of...motivation." She replied, nudging Remus' shoulder with her toe.

Deceit closed his eyes, trying to calm his anger. But he was just so tired. It was already noon and he'd spent hours trying to open that damn door. It's a wonder the Evil Queen hadn't noticed them yet.
At this point Deceit was kind of hoping that she did.

Sighing, he looked back to the pile of 'lock-picks'. A lot were broken, rusted slivers of metal. Some were just pieces of moldy wood that Harry had found lying around. They'd never work, not against Logan's door anyways.

Deceit was beginning to understand why nobody was ever really able to break in.

"This is going to work. We'll have to find another way." He said.

Uma and Harry shared a look.

"I don't give a fuck how ya get in, just do it quickly." Harry replied.

So they were in a hurry? Deceit didn't stop to probe into it any further, he didn't care about their business. He had more important things to worry about.

Remus, who had been watching quietly throughout their interaction, suddenly smiled. Deceit's eyes widened when he caught sight of silver flash of metal in the other's teeth; a small knife! How the other boy managed to keep a knife in his mouth without cutting himself was a mystery. But still, if Remus could find a way to cut the ropes...

Thinking quickly, Deceit slowly walked around the corner of the building, gesturing for Uma and Harry to follow. Remus would need some time to free the ropes, he needed to get those two out of the way.

"Harry stay here." Uma ordered quietly, sending a warning glare over to him. Deceit's heart sank and he sent an apologetic glance to Remus, who just responded with a wink. He'd just have to be careful not to be noticed by Harry.

Clearing his throat Deceit shrugged. "If I remember correctly there is another door around the back. We could try the locks there." Deceit said, lying smoothly.

If he was correct, Uma didn't know much about the Evil Queen's castle. It was an overlook on her part, too focused on her grudge with Logan to properly scope out his own home.

"If you're wrong about this snake, I'm gonna cut your throat and then come back to kill off your little freak." Uma threatened, hand gripped tightly around her sword hilt. Deceit grit his teeth, not answering her as he walked stiffly around the corner. Uma followed. Gods he hoped Remus could pull it off, otherwise they were both screwed.

"Why do you want the device anyways? What's in it for you?" Deceit asked, stalling for time. Uma snorted in disbelief.

"The same reason you want it! Freedom from this stupid island and revenge on those assholes who put us here. And you know what? When I get out, I think I'm gonna take Virgil first. I always liked him, very...submissive. He'll make a nice pet don't you think so?" She replied, egging him on. Deceit shuddered  in disgust, fighting to keep his anger in check. The only one who was going to deal with his little brother was him.

Gripping his knife, they reached the south wall of the castle. Old vines crept up the crumbling stone,  nearly covering a tiny window just by his head. Uma looked around in confusion, walking in front of him to slash away at the vines as if there would be a door hidden behind them.

"Where's the door-" She began but it was at that moment that Deceit pounced. He slammed her into the wall, grabbing her braids and banging her head against the stone. She grunted, trying to throw her weight back but Deceit just banged her head again.

"You should have known not to trust a snake." He hissed as she went limp in his arms, blood dripping from her temple and nose.

Huffing, he roughly dropped her to the ground and leaned onto the wall with shaking muscles. He wouldn't last long in this state, fatigue already sending waves of vertigo through him. But he still needed to get Remus.

Deceit hadn't heard any other noises of commotion, or maybe it was just drowned out by the pounding in his ears. Either way, he had no idea whether Remus had been successful in subduing Harry or not.

"I really hope you're not dead, you crazy bastard..." He mumbled, wiping his bloody hands on the vines and staggering back to where he had left Harry and Remus.

Glancing back, he sneered at the unconscious form of Uma. Pathetic. It was really too bad he hadn't killed her but he wasn't really keen on having to deal with Ursula.

"Deceit?" A voice asked. His head snapped up.


The boy had a cut on his shoulder and the beginnings of a bruise yellowed his jaw but other than that, he was fine. Deceit smiled in relief, stumbling towards him.

"Woah, you look like shit! Aw, were you that worried over me?" Remus cooed, steadying him when Deceit nearly pitched forwards.

"Yes." He replied, for once completely honest. Because he had been scared. The thought of Remus dying...

And then, mind clouded in fatigue and the adrenaline still trembling through him, he grabbed Remus' face and kissed him. To hell with it, he fucking deserved this. Remus tensed in shock, grip tightening around Deceit.

Doubt began to worm it's way into Deceit's heart. Had he been too forward? Oh god, what if Remus didn't feel the same way? Suddenly this didn't seem like such a good idea. But as if sensing his worries, Remus pushed them both to the wall, kissing back just as fiercely.

Deceit's whole body hurt and Remus smelled strongly like blood, but it was perfect. Oh gods, he was in love with this crazy bastard.

(Short chapter this time, it's been a busy week. Also, in case it's not clear, every time something is italicized in Deceit's speech, it means that he's lying. Probably should have mentioned that earlier but...oh well. I really like Remus and Deceit as a couple so they're gonna keep developing from here. Don't get me wrong, they're still the bad guys in the story, this is not sympathetic Deceit, but that doesn't mean bad guys can't have a little love in their lives. Also Deceit's relationship with Vigil is a little complicated if you haven't noticed. On one hand Deceit's extremely angry at being left behind but on the other, he still cares about Virgil in a strange, not-so-healthy way so he doesn't want to kill him like he wants to kill Logan or Uma. Oh and I know I promised more polysanders bonding moments but I just really wanted to write more about Deceit and Remus. I hope you guys enjoy the chapter!

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