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Ursla's Fish n' Chips was a disgusting place, filled with lowlifes and drunkards lamenting over their lost glory.

Pathetic really, not someplace Deceit normally associates with.

Still it served the best food for the best prices in the area and, more importantly, was where Uma could be found.

Remus was singing a very lewd song as he walked, leering at any person even remotely youthful. Most of them seemed frightened, only one leered back. Sighing, Deceit pushed through the swinging doors into the bar. The patrons went silent.

"Where's Uma? My friend here needs to talk to her." Remus drawled out, smiling wildly.

"And what does your friend want with her, hmm? After this morning I'd thought any children of Maleficent would have the sense to steal clear." Harry Hook replied, pushing himself off of the counter and sauntering over to them.

Deceit rolled his eyes. Right, he'd heard about Virgil's and that Grimhilde runt's little spat with the pirate earlier.

"Still sore about this morning, pirate? Terribly sorry." He replied mockingly.

Harry narrowed his eyes and raised his hook threateningly. "Watch your tongue snake. I'd wager I'm not the only one angry here. Brother dear sure did get lucky didn't he? Free ride to paradise and you get left behind. Guess he really is the favorite son." Harry taunted lowly, chuckling darkly. That no good piece of-

"Lay off my customers Harry. You said you wanted to talk Deceit?" Uma's voice cut in sharply as she dumped a tray of soggy potato slabs onto one of the tables.

Remus immediately attacked them, shoving its owner away with a growl. Uma merely turned away with a shrug, looking Deceit up and down shrewdly.

"I'd rather talk privately." He said coldly eying the pirate pointedly. Harry glared from behind Uma's shoulder. Truly a guard dog till the end. Uma nodded.

"Harry take over for me." She ordered before shoving her way to another door near the back wall. Deceit followed, smirking at the wanna-be pirate smugly as he passed and snatching Remus by the collar. The latter whining as the potato slabs got farther away.

Both passed through the door behind Uma, the murmured of the crowd muffling as they closed it.

The room wasn't as dirty as the bar, smaller and more tidy. It had a small threadbare mat on the floor with three chairs surrounding a tiny coffee table on top of it. Other then that the room was empty besides a few shards of broken bottle glass littering the corners.

Uma took a seat, gesturing cooly for them to sit. Remus immediately followed her suit but Deceit remained standing. Uma was being awfully cool about this. He didn't like it.

"I know what you're here for. And you're out of luck, it's already gone." Uma said, flipping her teal braids.

"How do you know that's the thing we're looking for?" Deceit shot back.

Ignoring the fact that he himself didn't really know what he was asking about. The rumors weren't very specific...or perhaps Remus wasn't telling him everything. Uma laughed harshly.

"Please, Deceit. Just about every villain on this island has come to me asking where this 'mysterious escape' is, including my own mother. I've told each and every one of them the same thing; it's gone." She said, scowling down at the table in irritation.

A sinking feeling of disappointment lodged into his chest. Damn him for ever listening to Remus.

"What happened to it? I'm not guessing you lost it?" Deceit asked. Uma looked amused.

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