Norse-y Stuff is Way Too Norse-y

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Aria's POV

I met Magnus Chase when he died.

Gods, that's such a weird way to start. Let me expand.

He woke up in the garden of what mortals see as a hotel, but what actually is Valhalla. And I'm pretty sure the first thing he saw was me.
I know this because he jumped up and scrambled to the far corner screaming, "WHY IS THERE A PRETTY GIRL STARING DOWN AT ME LIKE THAT?"

I never knew I had that effect in people.

We became friends quickly enough, and I must say, Samirah Al-Abas, sure does know how to make first impressions.
I mean, what better way is there to greet your new friend forever than by grabbing them by the throat and shoving them against a wall and threatening them to use their manners.
Lovely, honestly.

The dinner hall was HUGE, I had read stories of the Norse deities and their beliefs from the books in Athena's library, but the amount of knowledge that Sam offered us about Norse mythology was fascinating.
Sadly, she got fired that very day.

That's when I met Blitzen and Hearthstone, when we were going to check out Magnus' dead body. Nice plans for the following day, you know.

They seemed like such nice people, and Hearth seemed interesting to talk to.
Get it?
Talk to?
But he doesn't talk?

We were in the boat to fish for Jormungand, also known as Sam's evil brother, when Blitz chose to sit next me. But where Blitz is, there Hearth is too. Which meant that I was squashed really tightly in between two male people that are not humans.

"So," Blitz began. "What's life like in New York?" He asked curiously. I shrugged.

"I don't permanently live there Blitz, my foster family do. I live in Olympus with Apollo," I couldn't help the small smile that slipped on my face when I remembered him. But that was replaced with worry when I realised he still was missing. And, the fact that the Roman emperors cut off all means of communication doesn't help either.

They must've noticed the change in my expression when I talked about Apollo, so Hearth signed something that Blitz translated for me.
Are you two together?

I spluttered and coughed, scoffing and denying it. "O-Of course n-n-not! Th-th-that's stupid! Shut up you two!"
They shared a knowing look with each other and I blushed profusely before awkwardly clearing my throat and looking away.


Magnus and I met Annabeth at a café when we were finished our quest. Jack now rested peacefully on Magnus' neck in pendant form. The fire giants were sent back to Muspelheim.
Gunilla was resting in peace, I'm sure, with the others who had died. Sam was a Valkyrie again and everything was as normal as normal can be in a world like mine.

We explained to her everything we could about our adventures in the Norse mythological world and then Annabeth and I recounted our tale of the Greek and Roman gods to Magnus.

"Wow. It's weird to know that there are so many gods and they don't even clash," Magnus commented.

"Yeah. And Percy and I recently met two kids that are children of the Egyptian gods!" Annabeth exclaimed. My eyes widened.

"What?!? And I wasn't there with you!" I feigned an offended look, one worthy enough to match Apollo's boastful expressions.

"By the way," I interrupted the cousins, "Annabeth, have you heard anything about Apollo?" I asked worriedly.

Her face softened. Seriously, why does everyone think there is something going on between us?

"Yes, actually. Percy told me he's become a mortal again because that's Zeus's punishment. He was at camp when he last saw him, but he's going to ride away to Indianapolis with Leo and Calypso on Festus," she told me. My mouth hung open and it took the daughter of wisdom a few confused moments to realise why.

"OHHH!!! LEO'S ALIVE!!!" She squealed.

I laughed and thanked her, then left the cousins to catch up on cousin stuff with only one place in mind and one person swirling around my brain.

No, readers. IT'S NOT LEO 🙄.

I disapperated out of Boston and into Camp Half Blood, right outside Chiron's office. I silently prayed that Apollo was still there and hadn't left.

I saw Will and Nico walking around the outskirts of camp and rushed up to them. They both looked up and Nico smiled slightly while Will sent me a stunning smile so much like his father's.


Apollo's smile is brighter than the sun itself. No smile can brighten up a room like his. Not even his own son's.

"Hey Aria! What's brought you here?" Will asked cheerfully.

"Hi! Is Apollo still here?" I asked hopefully. Nico shook his head.
"No, sorry Aria. He left with Leo and Calypso yesterday."

I  mentally cursed that idiot and thanked Will and Nico before letting them get to back to whatever they were doing...

I stopped in my tracks. Whatever they were doing...

I hope it isn't anything weird.

Anyways! I disapperated back to Sally's flat, where she was baking blue cookies and gave her a hug and punched my brother on the arm just to annoy him because he HATES getting interrupted while studying, before flopping down on my bed.

I remember the thousand years I had spent in the Eternal Forest. I remember losing all my memories, all except for the fact that Apollo had me a rose of friendship before I went in.
I remember reuniting with him again and the gaping hole in my soul being filled again.

I didn't want to feel that again. WHY DID HE HAVE TO LEAVE YESTERDAY?!?
Could he not have waited just one more day?

Gods, Apollo you dolt, when will I see you again?

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