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The eurynomi are creatures that kill.

They are like foul smelling zombies that care only for killing people to eat.

It has a strange mottled blue-and-black hide, milky eyes, an oversized mouth and tiny nostril slits. It smells like rancid meat.

A person turns into an eurynomos when they get scratched by one, if they are lucky enough to not get eaten by one.
After that, they start to paralyze over the course of a few days. Their skin starts to discolour to a grey statue-like colour. They loose all thought and emotions from their human minds with only one thing left swirling in their zombie brain:


These people are doomed to a fate worse than death.
Because they cannot die. They reincarnate over and over again.
With no memories of their past, no feelings or emotions. Nothing. Just the fact that you do as master says.
And who is the master?

It used to be Hades. They used to be working for him in the underworld and never came out of there, but these corpse-eaters came out when Tarquin offered to give them much more food.

Now, all eurynomi are subject to him and can only feel and act on what he commands them to.

All but one.

For anyone who is unlucky enough to encounter a eurynomos, some, not all, but some are lucky enough to have met this one different ghoul.

For this one does not kill.
This one mopes about all day, grieving the loss of the love of his life and refuses to kill again.
Refuses to live.

He begs every demigod or hero he meets to kill him off, to murder him so he can be in Elysium with her.

But he can't.
Because eurynomi cannot die.
They get reincarnated over and over again.

This is his story.

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