I had detention In 5 minutes so I quickly ran to Abby's school. Once I got there and I singed her out we started walking back to my school.

"Where are we going? Isn't mr.bus driver that way" she asked pointing in the opposite direction.

"Ya but I have detention so you have to come with me" I explained.

"Yay! I get to visit your school" she smiled and started jumping up and down. I wish I liked school that much.

"Ya, but we have to hurry so I'll give u a piggyback ride there, deal?" I asked crouching down to look at her.

"Deal" she got on my back and I started running towards the school, once we got there detention had already started 5 minutes ago.

"I'm here I'm here!" I shouted running into the classroom dragging Abby behind me.

"Why do you have a child?" The teacher asked as I took a seat and sat Abby in the desk beside me.

"I'm sorry I didn't have anywhere else to take her. I promise she won't talk or anything" I said. The teacher just nodded.

I gave Abby my phone to go on in order to keep her distracted. I noticed Aiden staring at me from a couple of seats down.

"I'll be back in an hour don't be stupid and no talking," the teacher said before exiting the classroom.

"Olivia, what did you do this time?" Aiden asked me.

"Nothing" I shrugged it off, I didn't want to talk to him too much because I didn't want Abby hearing and telling Jacob about where I actually went yesterday.

I walked towards Aiden and sat in the desk beside him.

"Hey so my sister is here and I don't want her to snitch to my brother about We're I was yesterday so just don't mention it okay?" I asked.

"Ya of course. But why can't your brother know?" He asked.

"He would most likely murder you," I said bluntly. His eyes widened.

"Well okay then. Anyways wanna hang out tonight?" He asked.

"Sorry I can't I'm grounded because I went out last night and my brother is a dumbass" I explained. Stupid Jacob making me pass up on an opportunity with a hot guy. I would usually just sneak out or something but Jacob doesn't get home until late so I'm watching Abby tonight.

"Oh ok, another time" he brushed it off. Abby walked towards us and just stood there staring at Aiden.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"I'm bored with your phone you have no fun games. I also wanted to say hi" she explained.

"Hi, your adorable" Aiden told her. Her eyes widened In the excitement and she smiled.

"Thank you, you are adorable too," She said bluntly, kids have no chill.

"Well thank you" Aiden laughed.

After detention ended we walked out of the building with Aiden.

"I would give you a ride home but I'm assuming you don't want me to bring your five-year-old sister on a motorcycle," he said rubbing the back of his neck I just nodded agreeing.

"I would love to go on your big bike" Abby exclaimed stepping away from me and towards Aiden. I swear she was gonna jump on him any second.

"No we can take the bus, now stop scaring Aiden," I said pulling her away from the poor guy. If I ever let her on that motorcycle Jacob would literally murder me besides I'm not even sure If 5-year-olds on motorcycles are legal.

After I finally got Abby away from Aiden we took the bus and went home.

Once we got home I watched movies with Abby for a couple of hours until Jacob got home.

Right now we were all sitting at the table eating dinner together and Abby was telling Jacob all about her day, believe it or kindergarten has a lot of drama.

Thankfully she left out the part about Aiden so that was great because I was really not in the mood for an argument.

I had been texting Aiden a lot over the past few days, I think I'm really starting to like him. It's nice talking to someone normal, he doesn't pity me or treat me like another lost cause or charity case.

I'm just me. Olivia.

A/N: do you guys like the book so far?? What do you want to see more off, I know right now it's kinda boring but the drama will come soon enough. I want your opinions on the book.

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