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Trust always comes with a price. You trust several people, then the people that you don't trust get involved somehow. For me, it's usually when they think I trust them when really I don't. It's like a party where you invite the people you trust the most out of your life, but then the other people just question, "Why not me? Why them?" That is very common and I'm afraid the same situation, but different areas, might be involved in conflict.

In this area of a situation, is brutal. Humans are dying below me as I search the penthouse looking for an answer on when's the next ball. It sucks because I also have to go up and down that stupid elevator that runs dramatically fast, more like teleporting. It's been three days since I passed out and I am still not used to the sudden action.

Instead of my casual white tank top and black jeans and comfortable converse,  I'm in a dark green maxi dress that exposes my back, having my blonde dreadlocks pushed to one side of my shoulder. It has the amazing texture of velvet that I adore to mess around with. I would wear my casual clothing but I couldn't find them. I asked a maid not too long ago, and they said it's too "casual", and that I need to wear something more "ladylike" if I'm going to be a queen.

Giving me the term, queen, doesn't bother me. I don't mind ruling over a bunch of people with great power, but I do mind that everyone must get along. Usually in movies, the female doesn't want to be queen because the man she is betrothed to must be a jerk. Despite I'm being married to a male Blanze, the man I'm betrothed to is very sweet and caring. It's only been a couple days and I can describe him well.

I was about to open the door that leads to the library, hoping that maybe a librarian has an idea, if they even have librarians. I open the door to see Zeve there with a big book in one hand, and reading glasses in the other. Smiling casually at him I asked, "Just out of curiosity, when is the next dance or ball?"

He smiles at me, but then gives me an answer, "Tonight." I didn't expect it to be so early. If I'm being honest, I thought it would be somewhere along the week or next week. I let him continue with a slow nod, asking for details. "Tonight, you and my son are getting married. I thought it would be a good time since I noticed the two of you are getting along better than I expected. This reminds me of the old days where you two would get along quite fine. After the wedding, there will big a huge ball in the throne room. Everyone in Lex City will be there."

That's just what I wanted to hear. I thanked him for his knowledge and leave the library, making sure he isn't following me. I'm glad that everyone in Lex City is going to be there because that also means that I get to see the Ashveens one more time. But I'm stumped as well. We're getting married tonight, as in a human preference early in the morning, and thats too fast. I know that marriage in the royalty logic needs to happen quick, but this is too quick. Isn't it usually like in two weeks so that way the prince and the princess get to know each other better? I assume not.

I wonder if Laurence knows, and if he does then he would know it's going to be a great time to expose his father. When I opened the door, I would expect no one there, but I opened the door to see Laurence and another man about his age. He had brown hair and unnatural emerald green eyes. When he saw me his eyes widened in what I'm assuming surprise. Hello to you too, I guess.

"And who is this beautiful lady in a lovely dress walking in the prince's chambers?" He flirts winking at me. Oh, one of these men.

"Your future queen who is marrying the prince tonight," I spat at him. His face went a bit red in embarrassment as I mentally have my laughter at him. Then I turn to see Laurence with a shocking look on his face. I don't think it's from the way I somewhat roasted a male Blanze telling him to back off, but because I just announced the news to him, too.

"I-I'll leave you two be," The Blanze with green emerald eyes said, leaving the room shutting the door behind him.

"Who was that?" I asked Laurence who is seated on the bed.

"My friend, Shade," He answers but then his face turns a bit serious, "Evan?" I let him call me Evan since Evanie isn't really a name they hear often. I look up at the sound of my name and nod for him to proceed. "Tonight, you claim?"

"Yes. Your father told me, and we are getting a ball afterwards. It would be a perfect time to expose him, don't you think?"

"Yeah, and by the way," he pulls out his phone and shows me a photo of that humid, terrifying room where they're keeping the humans, "I got proof. I'll send it to you if you want me to, I just need your number."

"About that. When I got here I broke my phone so your officers won't be able to find me when I had the thought of taking back the city. I don't have a phone."

"Smart. Then I'll go with you but show you the photo. I know you wanted to do this alone, but let me at least play on part in all of this."

I sigh before saying, "Alright."

Maybe Laurence is a bit right. I should include him since this is his father we're talking about. I'm surprised that Zeve never found out we've been down there. Do they have security cameras?

Sighing I plop my back on the bed, taking off my black heels. Those heels are a son of a gun. How do women wear them? I'd rather walk around barefoot all day instead of wearing a weapon that harms my feet. Laurence slowly lays beside me tilting his head on my shoulder, as I slowly tilt my head on the top of his head.

I'll admit, we have been getting closer as seconds turn into minutes, and minutes turn into hours. I also have to admit that I do have small feelings for him, they aren't big, but they're small. Laurence has shown many times that he feels the same way. The day after I blacked out, he gave me a tour around the entire penthouse, and he showed me places where he goes when he wants to be alone, just in case if I can't find him.

It is weird, feeling this way around someone you've only known for a bit over a week. It must be weird for him too, not because of the shortage time, but because I own the appearance of a human form. I wonder what it's like to have huge black, slendy tentacles. I wonder if it makes life easier. Life, does it make it easier? There I go again, talking to Life.

Why do I talk to Life? I talk to life because it is a relatable term that everyone goes through, but each life that they are given is different. I started talking in my head that way when I thought my world was over when I was only a 15 year old girl. It was when I woke up in the middle of the night of the invasion, when I was away from the town. Didn't have anyone else to talk to, so Life was my only option. To you, it may not make sense, but obviously to me it does.

MY TERRITORYМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя